April Miller, Trained Professional Organizer, was a high school teacher for nine years before leaving to pursue professional organizing and graduate studies in counseling. April is a member of Professional Organizers in Canada (POC) and the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD). She has completed ICD’s Chronic Disorganization Specialist Certificate and is looking forward to further studies with ICD. She has a B.A. and a B. Ed. from Memorial University, and a post-graduate diploma in Information Management.

April Miller, Trained Professional Organizer, was a high school teacher for nine years before leaving to pursue professional organizing and graduate studies in counseling. April is a member of Professional Organizers in Canada (POC) and the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD). She has completed ICD’s Chronic Disorganization Specialist Certificate and is looking forward to further studies with ICD. She has a B.A. and a B. Ed. from Memorial University, and a post-graduate diploma in Information Management.