30 Ideas for Business Success ~ Elizabeth Hagen

Pam Bowers

Pam Bowers

During Pam’s near 20 years in the corporate world, her office skills continually received high compliments, particularly in organization. After responding to a request to help with a busy photographer’s home office organization, Pam decided to use her experience to focus solely in the area of organizing the chaos that seems to control our lives. In 2006, Organized Chaos was formed. Organized Chaos is a proud member of NAPO and its Dallas Chapter, where Pam just completed 4 ½ years serving as the Marketing Director. A self-proclaimed social media nut, Pam has established Organize Chaos’ presence on Skype, her website, Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube, and her blog. Pinterest is her next conquest! Pam resides in Little Elm, Texas with her husband of almost 27 years, her two children, 4 dogs, 2 turtles, and a corn snake named Derek.

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I hope you’ve been enjoying the coverage of this year’s NAPO Conference! The series continues today as Pam Bowers, a long-time fan of Elizabeth Hagen, shares the highlights of Elizabeth’s session about business success strategies. It sure sounds like a good one, so if you missed it, or would like a refresher, be sure to read on.


At the first NAPO conference I attended in Reno, I signed up for a session taught by Elizabeth Hagen on public speaking.  Little did I know how life-changing that session would be, and that I would become Elizabeth’s biggest fan!  (Yes, Elizabeth, I have declared this to be true!)  When I saw she would be teaching a session for this year’s conference in New Orleans, the first words out of my mouth were, “I’m definitely going to conference this year!”  It’s a really good thing I didn’t miss it.

In the workbook introduction to the session, Elizabeth outlined her five main strategies that will grow your business quickly.  They are:

  1. Doing the best job possible—every time—whether you are providing a service or giving a presentation.
  2. Tracking your numbers properly.
  3. Doing 3 high-value activities every day.
  4. Having a marketing plan and using the Showcase Strategy as your #1 marketing strategy to get well-known and in front of your choice clients.  (The Showcase Strategy is one of 7 New Contact Core Marketing Strategies explained in the session.)
  5. Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up.

Elizabeth’s session topic “30 Ideas for Business Success!” expanded upon these five strategies and included these nuggets:

  • Organize your office.  Professional Organizers are often like the cobbler’s children who don’t have shoes; they work in disorganized office environments.  If this is you, take time right now to organize your space so that you can adequately “walk your talk.”
  • Give up perfectionism.  One of Elizabeth’s favorite quotes is from Michael J. Fox, “I’m careful not to confuse excellence with perfection.  Excellence, I can strive for:  perfection is God’s business.” Reprogram your thinking to strive for excellence.
  • Rethink your business card and claim one thing.  If someone were to look at your business card, can they tell immediately what your business focus is?  If your card says that you organize kitchens, pantries, garages, toys, attics, etc.—or even worse—doesn’t list any service at all, it’s time to redesign your business card to claim the one thing you want to publicize that you do.
  • Create a profile of your ideal week.  What does your ideal week look like?  It will never happen if you don’t plan for it.  Elizabeth suggested thinking in terms of zones, i.e. 7am to 10am, 10am to noon, etc.  Also, watch the 90/10 Principle by Stephen Covey

  • Establish a follow-up plan.  Have you had prospects fall through the cracks or have any of your past clients pursue business with other organizers?  Establishing a follow-up plan will help reduce the risks of this happening in your business.  Your plan should include prospects, clients, past clients, and people you meet while networking.

To learn more about all 30 ideas, or about Elizabeth, visit her website at elizabethhagen.com.  You will also find “freebies” there for your downloading pleasure.  I believe if everyone follows Elizabeth’s presented strategies, they will be successful indeed—both business-wise and personally.

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  1. Avatar QuynhLan on May 27, 2013 at 6:15 am

    This is an interesting article! I totally agree with Elizabeth about five main strategies to grow a business quickly. And I’m love her business ideas also. Thank you for your useful writing. This is the fist time I read your blog and I’m sure that I’m waiting for your new once. Thank you a lot.

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