Share Your Secrets: How do you organize for seasonal changes?

A change of season can wreak havoc on our routines if we're not prepared! Help others by submitting a blog post covering any aspect of organizing for seasonal changes, whether at home or in the workplace.

Share Your Secrets: How do you organize for seasonal changes?

  We all know that organizing isn't a one-and-done process. No matter how well our systems are ...
Pam Holland

Pam Holland

Mindful Decluttering & Organizing

Janet, I just wanted to reach out and say how much I appreciate you! The blog carnivals give me a chance to think about topics that I might not have explored and look back at all blog posts whether I have explored them and forgotten about it! It is a lot of fun. And you make the process easy and no pressure.

Jana Arevalo

Jana Arevalo

The Organized Military Life

I’ve only been a member of Blogging Organizers for a couple of months, but I’ve gained momentum, inspiration and community, all thanks to you!

Linda Samuels

Linda Samuels

Oh, So Organized!

I’m a HUGE fan. What a dynamo and so supportive of organizers, bloggers and the industry. I appreciate all that you’ve done and continue to do to help shine a light on organizing professionals. 

Hazel Thornton

Hazel Thornton

Organized for Life

I was blogging before I met you, but I think this group and POBC have kept me blogging more consistently and purposefully than I would have been otherwise. Thank you!


Melissa Rogers

Modified by Melissa

Your site and Facebook group are such great resources to a fairly new organizer. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and helping so many reach their business goals!!

Alison King

Alison King

Time to Get Organized

Janet was a very animated speaker. She used language that our group could understand and was able to answer our questions. We will definitely consider her for future speaking engagements.


Olive Wagar

Organized By Olive

I just binge read the last month of Facebook posts for Blogging Organizers! You share such fabulous information--always something that I desperately need!!!

Tamara Myles

Tamara Myles

Tamara Myles Consulting

Janet’s presentation was full of relevant strategies and tools that I can use immediately on my blog. I now have a clear understanding of the steps I should take before I even start to write a new post!

Stacey Agin Murray

Stacey Agin Murray

Organized Artistry, LLC

I could not have made it to my ten year ‘blogiversary’ without the forum you created for all of us Blogging Organizers and the support it has given me!

Linda Vanderkolk

Linda Vanderkolk


I attended your workshop at the POC Conference and you just blew me away with your wisdom and advice. Probably one of the best I attended the whole conference! Thank you!