ENTJ Organizing Profile
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The other day, we looked at the organizing strengths and challenges typically faced by individuals with the INTJ personality type.
Where INTJ stands for Introverted – Intuition – Thinking – Judging, ENTJ stands for Extraverted – Intuition – Thinking – Judging. Sharing three of the same preferences, you might assume that they are very similar, but it’s important to understand that your personality type is more than just the combination of your four preferences.
As one ENTJ put it,
“I’m a very busy and somewhat disorganized ENTJ [J preference is not that strong] and with an extremely strong N preference, I find they are sometimes at war with each other, one seeking organization the other seeking creativity and defying too much structure.”
The way your four preferences interact has a huge effect on your overall personality, and is beyond the scope of this series. If you’re interested in learning more about it, I encourage you to consider MBTI® training.
ENTJ Organizing Strengths
ENTJs typically have clear goals and priorities, finish what they start, and have an effective calendar system. They don’t forget about events or tasks, and generally have few problems with decision-making or finding places to put things.
ENTJ Organizing Challenges
ENTJs indicate that the following are sometimes a problem for them:
- Forgetting to do tasks that aren’t on their “to do” list
- Procrastinating, when they don’t want to do something
- Hoarding items that may be useful “some day” and those with sentimental value
They also have a tendency to stop what they’re doing when someone wants to talk to them, which can be a hindrance to productivity.
ENTJ Time Management Systems
ENTJs use a wide variety of time management tools, often a combination of paper and electronic systems.
One survey participant stated that she printed her own calendar from MS Outlook® on Day-Timer® computer paper (Desk size, 7-hole punched) along with several Day-Timer® accessories.
Another used a combination of “brain power, paper calendar and electronic organizer.”
Learn More
For more insight into the ENTJ organizing style, read about Smart Structures on Pixies Did It.
For a broader view of the ENTJ personality type, check out the following resources:
Keep in mind that we are all unique, and even people sharing the same type preferences will not be the same in every way. Personality type is only one factor to consider when developing organizing solutions for your clients.
Are you an ENTJ?
Help others understand your personality type and organizing style by answering one or more of the following questions in the Comments:
- What are your organizing strengths?
- What are your organizing challenges or weaknesses?
- What organizing strategies work well for you?
- What are your time management strengths?
- What are your time management challenges or weaknesses?
- What time management strategies work well for you?
- What type of calendar(s) do you use?
Photo © AndreyPopov / depositphotos
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I think the time challenge I struggle most with is overbooking myself. My mother used to say that if there was a list posted on a wall, I would put my name on it. Still practicing how to say “no” to the things that don’t matter as much!
Interesting! Thank you for sharing, Sara.
It’s hard for me to focus when someone talks nearby. My husband works from home too. So I work early in the morning and it seems to help me stay on track before he starts.
I wonder if that’s because extraverts direct their attention outward, so you’re naturally drawn to what’s going on around you. As an introvert, I’m so inwardly focused that someone can ask me a question while I’m absorbed in something and I don’t even realize they’ve spoken to me.
Yes! Procrastination and forgetfulness unless it’s written down! The forgetfulness gets worse as I get older too! It figures we are both ENTJ’s Janet! 🙂
What made you think I’m ENTJ? I’m ISTJ! 🙂 However, I plead guilty to both of those too.
It has been interesting to me to see that all of these types have organizational strengths and challenges. There isn’t one perfect “type”! I’m sure this is true for many skill sets.
That’s really key to all of it – it’s not better to be one type or another. We all have strengths and weaknesses in all aspects of our lives.
I’m an ENTJ. What I know about myself is that I am motivated through completion of a project more by “who will this impact negatively if I do not complete it” (the extrovert side of me) rather than the inherent satisfaction that comes from completeness, itself. I also think my ENTJ side interacts with organizing skills through my J, which tends to lend naturally to organization, scheduling, order and control, etc. With a strong E-J, I’m not only inclined to appreciate the world when it is aligned that wasy, I”m more inclined to talk it outloud with others, and my N and T help me influence conversations through logic and an intuitive understanding of how steps laid out may lead to different pathways.
My personal style for organizing is a visual one (colors, shapes, placement), but I don’t know if that’s an ENTJ thing, a Libra thing, or a crazy person thing. I know my learning style is an even blend of visual and auditory, but in terms of prompts from my universe to remind me and keep me focused, I’m more likely to respond to a visual prompt than any other kind.
I also believe, as an ENTJ, I also try to extend my organizing style to others… I am a problem solver, and believe I can apply an organizing mindset to other people’s problems (whether they’ve asked for my help or not 🙂 )
Kathy, thanks so much for your detailed feedback! It will be very helpful to anyone trying to understand someone with the ENTJ personality type.
I’m an EN”F”J. I can’t wait to read your description. Many of the preferences here resonated with me…like using a combination of digital and paper to handle time management issues.
I could have pegged you as NF, Linda. And I mean that in the nicest possible way! I’m looking forward to reading your feedback on the ENFJ organizing profile next week.
I’ve been finding these profiles fascinating! I keep thinking of various family, friends and clients that fall into each style. Thanks for such a neat series, Janet.
I’m glad you’re enjoying it, Sarah!