Organising Down Under! 4th AAPO Conference, Brisbane Australia

Angela Esnouf

Angela Esnouf

I became an organiser back in 2005 because I love to see the weight literally lift from my client's shoulders when I help them move from chaos and stress to order and calm. I've been known to turn an untamed junk room into a crafter's haven.

As an industry veteran, I get really fired up about training and mentoring new and experienced organisers. That's why I created my Professional Organiser Training and The Professional Organiser's Edge. I love to see my trainees and Edge members succeed in providing great service to their clients and grow their organising careers.

When I'm not working in the organising world, I'm travelling, taking photos or crafting, and spending time with my family. Late at night when the kitchen is clean, I like to make it dirty again by baking up a storm. My personal motto is "Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much". I believe getting organised and living clutter-free helps me live that motto every day.

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This seems to be a popular season for conferences, at least in the organizing industry! Last week we heard about the recent POAA Conference, and today we have the pleasure of hearing about the 2009 Australasian Association of Professional Organisers (AAPO) Conference, thanks to Angela Esnouf, AAPO President, and Roz Howland, AAPO Vice President.


Brisbane was the most organised city in Australia in the first week of September! Professional Organisers from all over the globe gathered for AAPO’s 4th Annual Conference.

70 delegates enjoyed two days jam packed full of quality speakers, networking activities and of course plenty of eating and drinking!

A major highlight of the Conference was the signing of the Affiliation Agreement between AAPO and NSGCD. AAPO President Angela Esnouf, and NSGCD President, Katherine D. (Kit) Anderson, CPO-CD.

We were honoured to have such an international presence at Conference this year. Katherine D. (Kit) Anderson, CPO-CD gave both a presentation and a post conference workshop. Janine Adams, also from the States presented us with some excellent ways to harness the power of the internet.

As well as a strong New Zealand attendance  we had delegates from USA, Malaysia and Japan. The presence of Mayumi Takahara from Japan was special as she is right at the initial stages of founding the Japanese professional body for POs. What an exciting time to be part of this industry!!!

The presentations covered a wide scope of running an Organising business from personal branding, to self care to language patterns, to insurance.

Will the 2010 programme have your name on it?  Or perhaps the delegate list? We hope so. The location of the 5th Annual Conference is Christchurch, New Zealand. So, dust off those skis and start planning now for 13 & 14th September 2010. Watch the AAPO site for further details.

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  1. Alex Fayle on September 18, 2009 at 2:05 am

    Yay to the NSGCD/AAPO agreement – I love seeing organizations working together like this!

  2. Janet Barclay on September 18, 2009 at 6:05 am

    I agree, Alex! I was especially excited to read that a new association is forming for POs in Japan. Maybe in a few years there will be a Worldwide Association of Professional Organizers (WAPO).

  3. Janet Barclay on September 18, 2009 at 6:06 am

    Or how about Professional Organizers Worldwide (POW)? 🙂

  4. Alex Fayle on September 18, 2009 at 8:20 am

    There’s an umbrella group of Organizing Associations that allows the Presidents of each to stay in touch with each other. So far it hasn’t worked its way beyond that (Presidents are already so busy) but I’m sure within a few years we’ll be hearing things from it (maybe a la International Coaching Federation…?)

  5. Janet Barclay on September 18, 2009 at 9:53 am

    Thanks for that information, Alex. It will be interesting to watch that evolve.

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