A Clever Way to Enhance Your Organizing Business

Audrey Cupo

Audrey Cupo

Audrey Cupo is a full-time Professional Organizer and sole proprietor of A BETTER SPACE based in Bucks County, PA. She specializes in residential organizing and focuses her business on helping busy moms and women entrepreneurs with home-based businesses get organized with her in-home services, writing and public speaking. She has created the her own "U Can Do It" product line and is an independent consultant for Clever Container.

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You provide a valuable service, but not everyone needs or can afford to pay for hands-on organizing, so maybe you also offer organizing seminars or workshops. My guest today is Audrey Cupo, who has found a great way to enhance her educational sessions with quality organizing products.


A Complement to A BETTER SPACE

I have been a professional organizer since 2004 when I began my business A BETTER SPACE, which is based in Bucks County, PA in the United States. I have grown my residential organizing business each and every year to include not only in-home services, but writing, public speaking and product creation. My product line called “U Can Do It” was created to help those I could not reach with my in-home services to get organized and stay organized. It has served me well and has enabled me to reach out to people all over the world.

Recently, however, I felt that I wanted to do more education-based work and was considering developing another aspect of my business where I could go into people’s homes and educate a group of women around a dining room table about how to get and stay organized.

I was in the process of formulating how I was going to do this when, one day, back in November of 2011, I was on a LinkedIn group site created as a place for professional organizers to share information. One of the members asked if we had heard about Clever Container. I had not but was curious. So I investigated further.

Upon learning about this company and researching it thoroughly, I learned that Clever Container is the only company of its kind in the United States (and soon to go International) that provides an opportunity for those who love organization to help others get organized while having fun at the same time with in-home party demonstrations. Just what I was looking for! I signed on within three days.

I am thrilled that I can now offer my existing clients good, quality organizing products as “a complement to A BETTER SPACE”. I am also able to provide education in a group setting right in someone’s own home surrounded by their friends and family members. I now schedule organizing parties which are fun and educational at the same time. The hostess gets to earn free and discounted products to help them get organized as well.

Another bonus for me is I can do vendor events. I have always wanted to participate in vendor events but found it difficult to do so with only information products to display on my table. Now, I can provide a product that is in line with my business and my passion. The response has been overwhelming and it is very exciting!

My professional organizing business can now provide my own information products as well as physical organizing products from Clever Container.  A BETTER SPACE has truly become a full service company!

Are you interested in learning more? Simply visit www.4abetterspace.com/clever_container.

If you like the products and want to place an order, you need to enter a Consultant ID #. My consultant number is 373.

If you like what you see and want to become a Consultant, you have the ability to start your own CLEVER CONTAINER business and supplement your existing income.

At my very first party, I sold $1000 worth of product (easily!) and as a consultant and host of that party, I got a commission, free products, discounts on additional products and free shipping. Contact me and I can help you get started right away.

As a professional organizer, I think it’s the perfect complement to my business and I would love to have you on my team! Together, we can help others get organized just by scheduling parties. I don’t know about you, but I love a party!

Audrey Cupo is a full-time Professional Organizer and sole proprietor of A BETTER SPACE based in Bucks County, PA. She specializes in residential organizing and focuses her business on helping busy moms and women entrepreneurs with home-based businesses get organized with her in-home services, writing and public speaking. She has created the her own “U Can Do It” product line and is an independent consultant for Clever Container.

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  1. Deanne on February 11, 2012 at 3:49 pm

    Love the products – when you are set up in Canada (which will reduce the shipping/border fees) drop me a line 🙂

    • Janet Barclay on February 11, 2012 at 4:53 pm

      I am sure Clever Container would do very well in Canada!

  2. Margie Villard on March 7, 2012 at 8:19 am

    Love this idea and being able to offer something to everyone. I spoke with the folks at Clever Container in January and they are hoping to be in Canada in 6-8 months. Can’t wait!

    • Janet Barclay on March 7, 2012 at 11:43 am

      That is good news! We do have Tupperware, which is a great line of products, but is more limited than what Clever Container has to offer.

  3. Melissa Schmalenberger on April 1, 2013 at 12:18 pm

    I am an Associate Director with Clever Container and I just got off our leader call where I asked the Canada question. We get requests daily to open in Canada, right now we need to get bigger and stronger in the US as it is a whole new distribution system once we go international….although I live in North Dakota and Canada to me feels like a state to me 🙂 I would love to help get us there as fast as possible! Thanks for the Clever Container plug!

    Melissa Schmalenberger

    • Janet Barclay on April 1, 2013 at 12:59 pm

      Thanks for the update, Melissa! I know a lot of Canadian organizers who are very eager to get involved!

  4. Kellie on October 30, 2017 at 1:14 am

    Any news on a Canadian market yet?

    • Janet Barclay on November 1, 2017 at 4:26 pm

      Hi Kellie,

      I reached out to Clever Container after receiving your comment, and here’s what they told me: “We are strictly in the USA still; we do have hopes for Canadian expansion. But this may be a while. Please send over your e-mail, and we will keep you updated on our developments!”

      It’s probably not the answer you were hoping for, but at least now you know.


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