Collaboration – Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival

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I’ve been involved with the organizing industry since 2002, and one thing that’s really stood out for me is that most organizers don’t view each other as competition. In fact, the opposite is true! Organizers typically support one another by sharing resources and expertise, and even collaborate from time to time.

While working as an organizer, I partnered with colleagues on a number of occasions. Someone who specialized in residential organizing would ask me to come along when they had office organizing jobs so they could tap into my expertise in that area, and when I had an opportunity to help a client in their home, I’d invite them to accompany me. We also conducted presentations together.

For this edition of the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival, I invited my readers to share their own examples of collaboration. They’ve contributed stories about professional organizers collaborating with their clients, their colleagues, and other professionals, as well as tips for families to collaborate when organizing the home.

The sponsor for this edition is Peggy Wonder of Space For You. Peggy’s clients benefit from the empathetic skills of 25 years’ training in deep listening in a residential feedback learning program in an intentional community, as well as many years studying positive life principles and running a secondhand store. All of this training and work has given her insight into people’s patterns and blocks, and experience with sorting and arranging objects while optimizing space use.

Check out all the great submissions, and be sure to show the bloggers your appreciation by leaving comments and sharing their blog posts (or this one) with your network.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this Blog Carnival, especially our wonderful sponsor.

Next month’s Blog Carnival is all about Writing and Organizing, and you’re welcome to make your submission any time from now until midnight EDT on Wednesday, July 17th.

Do you offer a product or service that would interest professional organizers or their clients?

Maximize your exposure by sponsoring an upcoming edition of the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival!

Topics for 2024

Forming New Habits
Submission dates: December 21 to January 17
Sponsor: Geralin Thomas, Career Coach to Professional Organizers

Creative Storage Solutions
Submission dates: January 18 to February 14
Sponsor: Sabrina’s Organizing & Admin Services

Money Management
Submission dates: February 15 to March 20
Sponsor: Mindflows for ADHD

Education and Organizing
Submission dates: March 21 to April 17
Sponsorship available

Filing Systems
Submission dates: April 18 to May 15
Sponsor: Sabrina’s Organizing & Admin Services

Submission dates: May 16 to June 19
Sponsor: Peggy Wonder, Space For You

Writing and Organizing
Submission dates: June 20 to July 17
Sponsorship available

Meal Planning
Submission dates: July 18 to August 14
Sponsorship available

Organizing Meetings
Submission dates: August 15 to September 18
Sponsorship available

Organizing for Seasonal Changes
Submission dates: September 19 to October 16
Sponsorship available

Best Organizing & Productivity Books
Submission dates: October 17 to November 20
Sponsorship available

Best of 2024
Submission dates: November 21 to December 25
Sponsorship available

Become a Star

Contribute to 10 or more Blog Carnivals and get recognized as a POBC Star Blogger!

I recommend...

A former professional organizer, I now eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, watching movies, and cooking.

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  1. Julie Bestry Julie Bestry on June 24, 2024 at 3:03 am

    This was such an intriguing topic. I look forward to reading the posts I’d not already seen over the course of the usual Monday sharing protocol.

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