How to create a buzz for your brand with free workshops

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Create a buzz for your brand

Recently I named Elizabeth Hagen as one of three bloggers I consider worthy of a Very Inspiring Blogger Award. What I didn’t mention is that I’ve also had the privilege of learning from her through teleclasses, group coaching and even a couple of one-on-one sessions. I’m still working through a very long list of ideas I’ve generated, but based on each one I’ve implemented, I can honestly say that her methods work.

When new business owners ask me how to get their name out there, I usually recommend public speaking, so I was pleased to learn it’s one of Elizabeth’s top strategies too! Today, with her permission, I’m sharing one of her articles.


It’s Time to Let Everyone Get to Know You!

One of the best things I ever did was to start having free workshops every 6-8 weeks in my city. I did this to create an ‘Elizabeth Hagen’ movement in my area. You won’t believe how quickly you will become known in your area if you follow my suggestion and do this!

Just imagine the next time someone hears what you do and they give the expected reply “I really need you but I’m a little low on money and I’m trying to do it myself” and you whip out a flyer for your free workshop coming up in 2 weeks and you say “I understand that you feel this way. Why don’t you come to my free workshop and you can find out more about me and learn at the same time?!”

It’s a beautiful thing!

7 Steps to Start Giving Your Workshops:

  1. Pick a date.
  2. Find a place. Check out your library, ask a friend who works in a big corporation and see if they have a meeting room, call hotels, etc.
  3. Decide how long – 50 minutes is a nice length and then have some time for Q&A.
  4. Decide on your topic. That’s easy! Think about what your clients ask you about the most and talk about that!
  5. Make a flyer and start promoting. Think of every business that you support and ask them to post your flyers. I bring along clear sign holders that I purchased at an office supply store and leave them at their business. Call your local TV/paper/radio and have them post your workshop on their community calendar.
  6. Put your presentation together and practice. I put the promotion step before this step on purpose! I want you to set the date and start promoting and then prepare. This will make you do it!
  7. Give a great presentation and watch your choice clients start calling you!

Elizabeth’s Assignment:

  1. Make a decision to start having a free workshop on a regular basis.
  2. Follow the steps I gave you in order.
  3. Take action and really do these steps.
  4. Stay focused by doing one thing every day towards promoting and putting together your free workshop.

Elizabeth’s Recommended Tool:

Microsoft Publisher – I use this for my flyers. A bit of a learning curve but works great!

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I recommend...

Elizabeth Hagen is a dynamic and inspiring motivational speaker, the author of Organize with Confidence and Confidence: Now is Your Time, and works with women to help them get past what is stopping them and grow their business or practice. You can become more focused and have more momentum, more confidence, and more success. Elizabeth's books, presentations, and coaching programs will change your business and your life!

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  1. Avatar Elizabeth Hagen on June 11, 2015 at 8:57 am

    THank you for sharing this, Janet!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on June 11, 2015 at 9:13 am

      I’m always happy to share great articles with my readers – thanks for allowing me to publish yours!

  2. Avatar Elizabeth Hagen on June 11, 2015 at 9:16 am

    Anytime, Janet! You have great information on your blog.

  3. Avatar Sarah Soboleski on June 13, 2015 at 7:47 pm

    I love the tip to set the date & promote and AFTER to plan the talk! You’re right, it does get you to follow through; I’ve done it myself. But I need to do more!

  4. Avatar Elizabeth Hagen on June 14, 2015 at 9:50 am

    Thank you for sharing, Sarah! Yes, it is imperative to set date and promote because then you have to do it!!

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