Boost Your Brand: Why and How to Start Guest Blogging

Janet Barclay

Janet Barclay

A former professional organizer, I now eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, watching movies, and cooking.

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If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ve probably noticed that I frequently welcome a guest blogger. It’s usually a professional organizer, but may be anyone who is able to share some insight on a topic of interest to my audience, often one I don’t feel qualified to cover myself.

Perhaps you’re wondering why someone would go to all the trouble of writing something, just to give it to someone else to post on their blog. Unless they’re being paid for their work, you might think they’d be better off publishing it on their own blog, but continue reading to learn why they do it.

Benefits of Guest Blogging

1. Reach a Broader Audience

Attracting new readers is one of the biggest challenges faced by many bloggers. Being a guest blogger for someone with a similar target audience to your own is an excellent way to get your name and your expertise in front of potential new readers.

2. Grow Traffic to Your Own Blog

As a guest blogger, you will normally be allowed to include a brief bio and link to your own blog, so those who find your post of value will often click through to learn more.

3. Grow Your Subscriber Base

Once those new readers have landed on your site, there’s a good chance they’ll become subscribers, provided that your blog is engaging. You’ll find lots of tips here on Your Organizing Business and my personal blog to help you make sure your blog represents you and your business as effectively as possible.

4. Improve Your Search Engine Positioning

Although Google keeps changing the factors it uses to determine where your blog will appear in the search results, backlinks from related sites remain very important. Social sharing now plays a role as well. Since blog posts tend to be shared frequently on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and other social media sites, a guest post on a popular blog may benefit you more than you think.

5. Build Relationships

Guest blogging is a type of joint venture, where both parties receive something of value. While the guest blogger receives the benefits listed in this post, the host has an opportunity to take a break from writing and give their readers another point of view.

6. Write About Something Different

Ideally, your blog is written for a specific audience – your target market – but you have a wealth of knowledge that goes far beyond what they would find useful. Guest blogging allows you to put on a different hat and explore another topic. Many of my guest bloggers have done just that, such as when Sara Skillen wrote NAPO 2024: Tales From Behind the Table and when Julie Bestry wrote Adventures in Becoming an Evernote Certified Expert.

Where to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities

Now that I’ve (hopefully) convinced you that guest blogging is worth your while, here are  you know where you can find potential hosts, and how to approach them.

1. Your Organizing Colleagues

If you know other professional organizers who blog, ask them if they would be interested in having you as a guest – you can even offer them the same opportunity in exchange! If you’re concerned about sending potential clients to your competition, talk to someone in a different region or who offers different services than you.

To connect with other organizers who blog, join the Blogging Organizers group on Facebook or see who’s been participating in the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival.

2. Just Google It!

You probably use Google to find information about everything from where to buy comfortable dress shoes to how to install shelving in a closet, and it can be equally useful when searching for blogs who welcome posts from guest bloggers. Simply enter be a guest blogger in the search box, and you’ll get millions of matches. To narrow it down, add another keyword to your search, such as organizing or productivity.

3. Consider writing something for Your Organizing Business

Your colleagues would love to read your post! Suggested topics include:

  • reviews of books about business or organizing
  • details of a course or program you’ve completed that was helpful to your business
  • highlights of a conference you attended

Feel free to read my Guest Blogging Guidelines, then complete the form at the bottom of the page to let me know what you have in mind.

How to Get Started as a Guest Blogger

No matter where you find a potential host blog, take the time to check it out and make sure that:

  • the blog is good quality and one you will be pleased to be associated with
  • the audience is a good fit for you
  • there actually is an audience – use a tool like Semrush for traffic data, and check the blog itself for comments and other signs of engagement

Once you’ve decided that you’d like to write a guest post for a particular blog, there is a right and wrong way to approach the owner.  In some cases, you can submit your post through an online form, but in others you must go through a screening process first. Always check the blog for any submission guidelines, and follow them to a T.

When contacting a blog owner about writing a guest post, introduce yourself but instead of making it all about you, focus on how your post will benefit their audience. Provide a link to your blog so they can get a sense of your writing style.

It’s a good idea to have a few posts pre-written before you make contact, and suggest some topics for them to choose from. Keep in mind, however, that in most cases guest posts should be original content, and not just a reprint of something you’ve already published on your own blog or that is readily available on another website.

Have you ever been a guest blogger? Did you find it beneficial? Please share your experience (and a link to your post, if you like) in the Comments!

Photo © Photoxpress

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  1. Avatar Amy on January 31, 2012 at 8:39 am

    Good advice. When searching on Google though be sure to mix up your searches; try ‘guest writer’, ‘guest poster’, ‘write for us’, ‘submit post’ and so on…

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on January 31, 2012 at 8:40 am

      Great tip, Amy – thanks for sharing!

  2. Avatar Derek Morton on February 10, 2012 at 8:41 am

    There are all great tips. I wish more people understood the power of guest posting. It not only helps drive more traffic to your site, but more importantly helps you gain greater credibility within your industry.

  3. Avatar Shelley on February 11, 2012 at 11:35 am

    I have guest blogged only a couple times, but got over 150 shares from one post, and a new inquiry, plus several new fans. So increasing my reach is definitely what’s happening.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on February 11, 2012 at 11:55 am

      That’s really impressive, Shelley – way to go!

  4. Avatar Seana Turner on October 10, 2024 at 11:08 am

    I have never actively pursued guest blogging, but I have done it a number of times. I think being a “giver” on social media opens up doors to receiving invitations to be a guest blogger.

    Great advice to be careful and do your research before saying yes!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on October 14, 2024 at 9:24 am

      Same here – I’ve been invited a few times, and usually say yes, but have never offered to write for someone. I should listen to my own advice!

  5. Linda Samuels Linda Samuels on October 15, 2024 at 7:22 pm

    Like Seana, I’ve never actively asked to guest blog, but I’ve been invited to do so many times. It’s beneficial because it expands your audience and allows you to write about topics or approach them in a way you might not do on your own blog. I also like being a podcast or radio show guest. It’s not quite the same, but it’s related.

    Thank you for the opportunity to guest blog for you. I’ve done it a few times.

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