How to Make Organization Fun to Earn More Clients

Kayla Matthews

Kayla Matthews

Kayla Matthews is the owner and editor of the self-improvement and efficiency blog, Her work has appeared on, Fast Company, Tiny Buddha and FinerMinds. To read more posts from Kayla, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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organizing fun

Although many of your clients probably like the idea of spending time in a well-organized home or office, they likely resist the thought of organizing the space to get it to that point. People don’t often think of organizing as an enjoyable activity — especially if it involves decluttering.

According to a 2014 Listia survey, 80 percent of respondents would rather get a tooth pulled than clean up their spaces. However, since disorganization contributes to a lack of productivity, among other things, your ability to convince current and potential clients that getting organized can be pleasant could boost your business. Here are some strategies to try.

1. Add a Print-Friendly Calendar to Your E-Newsletter

Some of the clients on your roster — as well as the people who are thinking about giving you a call to schedule their first appointments — might credit your newsletter as the resource that made them aware of your consulting business and encouraged them to find out more.

That’s why it’s a good idea to include a printable calendar template in the newsletter. There are many eye-catching options available on the internet, but you might also want to customize yours and put your business name and contact details in the corner.

When people break down organization-related tasks by the day or week, they feel more motivated and not so overwhelmed. Your calendar can make them realize that getting organized is a goal within their reach.

2. Take Their Personality Types Into Account

Some organizational strategies work better for particular people than others depending on their personalities. A client may primarily display one type or show several of them as the situation changes. Thanks to widely used personality assessments such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), people are usually aware that there are several kinds of personalities but may not realize how they impact organizational preferences.

For example, some people like to leave specific items visible if they use them often or if those things double as decorations. In that case, you might suggest using a color-coded system or encouraging clients to use see-through containers.

However, you may work with an individual who likes to maintain the appearance that everything’s put away and has a concealed, proper place. Then, filing cabinets and shelves with sections will work better.

When you work with a client’s personality instead of suggesting tips that go against it, it’ll be easier to convince the person that this organizing style fits into how they like to live and function.

3. Present Organization Ideas in Bite-Size Chunks

Many of your clients might think, “I’d love to get organized if I only had the time.” You can appeal to that segment of your audience by posting five-minute organizing tips on your businesses’ social media feeds.

This approach will enable viewers to discover the benefits of improved organization without too much of a time commitment and give them information they can use immediately. Plus, it helps you maintain an active social media presence.

When people see that organization is not as difficult or mundane as they thought, some will probably get in touch to find out what else you can do for them.

4. Suggest Creating an Artistic Catch-All Tray With Labels

In most households, there is at least one catch-all container. Whether it’s a box, plate or drawer, it’s usually the place where keys, spare change, buttons and other knick-knacks end up.

Help your clients make a significant improvement by transitioning to a tray with multiple compartments. Then, encourage them to label each one based on the items that fill a catch-all container most frequently. Mention how using brightly colored cardboard and markers or writing each label in a pretty script makes the organizer more attractive and fun to use.

Also, spark their imaginations and discuss how they can personalize their catch-all trays with paint, textures and shaped areas. After they finish their creations, curious friends will probably want to know where they got the trays. When they tell the tale, more people may wish to avail themselves of your services.

5. Help Them Track Their Progress

Sometimes, visual evidence is one of the most effective indicators of how far a person has come in the quest to get more organized. If clients take before-and-after photos of cluttered spaces, that’s a good start. However, if they go with a timeline-like approach and chronicle their gradual successes, that’s even better.

This tactic keeps their motivation levels high and reminds them of how you’re helping them accomplish goals. If people decide to publish each photo on social media and tag you, those posts will be fantastic advertisements for your company.

This list demonstrates how easy it is to show your current or potential clients that organization is fun. When they have that revelation, they’ll be more likely to come to you for help with getting organized as well as with other areas of their lives.

Photo © Deklofenak/ DepositPhotos

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  1. Seana Turner on May 9, 2018 at 3:27 pm

    The hardest part for me is getting in the door. Once I am in and get to chat with people, things typically go well. My goal is 100% client satisfaction, and part of that is making the process pleasant. Many people fear the process, but having someone there with you, who makes no judgments and lets you make the decisions, can be very positive. Many longtime clients feel like friends, so we enjoy just catching up while we work!

    • Janet Barclay on May 11, 2018 at 6:04 am

      That’s a real gift, Seana. That was definitely not one of my strong points when I was an organizer!

  2. Anne on May 11, 2018 at 8:40 am

    Curious to hear more about your calendar idea… do you mean an organizing calendar- daily things to do? Or just some nice printable….?

    • Kayla Matthews on May 11, 2018 at 1:11 pm

      Hi Anne,

      Thank you for asking! I’m mostly envisioning a printable template calendar so that clients can get into the groove of organizing daily tasks.

      I think that people are more inclined to use one when it’s already laid out for them rather than just having a blank calendar. I know it gives me a little more motivation when I have blanks to fill in!

      On the other hand, providing downloadable blank calendars for phone wallpapers would be useful, too!

  3. Sabrina Quairoli on May 14, 2018 at 1:16 pm

    I love the idea of adding the calendar to the e-newsletter. I never thought of that. Thanks for sharing. I’m going to try that.

    • Kayla Matthews on May 16, 2018 at 11:18 am

      Glad I could spark some inspiration, Sabrina! 😉 Good luck!

  4. Linda Samuels Linda Samuels on May 14, 2018 at 5:40 pm

    It’s so true that while as an organizer I find organizing fun, many of my clients don’t feel the same. In fact, they want to get organized, but dread doing the work. So whatever I can do to introduce the “fun factor, ” I do. You have to know your client, but some love listening to music while we organize. I’ve had many organizing sessions while singing and dancing to Broadway tunes or other upbeat music with my clients. It lightens the atmosphere and adds built-in breaks if my clients need one. I also “check” my own attitude before I arrive. My clients are often going through a lot of stress and challenges. I don’t want to bring my “stuff” to the party. So I leave it in my car so that I can be 100% present for them…and add some lightness (and fun) to the day. Staying positive and upbeat can easily shift the mood. And of course, if there are opportunities for silliness or laughter, I’m always on the lookout for those. My organizing site intentionally has a fun feel. Many clients let me know they hired me because they thought I seemed like I was “fun” to work with.

    • Janet Barclay on May 15, 2018 at 12:37 pm

      Those are some great pointers, Linda. It’s so important to be in tune with your client’s mood and situation. If a client is going through a rough patch in their life, trying to make it fun and games could be seen as insensitive, or it could help them to unwind a bit – it all depends. It sounds like you have a good handle on this!

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