Share your best tips for organizing meetings in the next PO Blog Carnival

Janet Barclay

Janet Barclay

A former professional organizer, I now eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, watching movies, and cooking.

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We’re hearing a lot about “back to school” these days, but that’s not the only activity that ramps up in the fall. As organizations get “back to business” following summer vacations, there’s often a need for more meetings. In today’s hybrid work environment, meetings have evolved from traditional conference rooms to virtual platforms, allowing for greater flexibility and collaboration, regardless of location.

Whether in-person or online, the need for effective meeting organization remains crucial. A well-organized meeting can boost productivity, enhance communication, and drive projects forward. But we all know that achieving this is easier said than done.

If you’ve mastered the art of virtual meetings or have a foolproof method for keeping in-person gatherings on track, please share your tips and strategies for successfully organizing meetings in the next Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival. Your insights could be invaluable to others navigating the busy months ahead.

How it works:

  1. Write a blog post about organizing meetings. If you’ve already written one, most of your work is already done!
  2. Submit your post using the form at the end of this post no later than 11:59pm EDT on Wednesday, September 18th.
  3. You’ll receive an email once the Blog Carnival is published so you can come back and read some or all of the posts contributed by the other bloggers. They’ll be reading yours too, so get ready for lots of comments and social media shares!

The Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival is a such great way to grow your network and generate traffic to your blog that many people participate on a regular basis, earning the rank of Star, Superstar, Megastar or Ultimate Star BloggerCheck out a few past editions for some examples.

Not convinced of the value? Read what Ultimate Star Blogger Linda Samuels said about The Wonderful Benefits of Participating in Blog Carnivals!

You don’t have to be a professional organizer or productivity consultant to participate, so please share this opportunity with everyone you know who blogs about organizing meetings.

Get even more exposure by sponsoring this or another edition of the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival! Get more information then drop me a line to get started.


Please read the following Guidelines before you make your submission.

  1. You may submit an article you’ve written and posted on your own blog, a post you’ve written for someone else’s blog, or a guest post on your blog.
  2. Multiple entries are allowed if you publish posts by multiple bloggers or guest bloggers on your site, and each entry is by a different author.
  3. All submissions must fit into the theme Organizing Meetings.
  4. Submission deadline is 11:59 pm EDT on September 18, 2024.

The Blog Carnival will be published on Thursday, September 19, 2024.

Please use this form to submit your post. I’m looking forward to reading it, and to helping you get free exposure for your blog!

By participating in the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival, you agree to receive Your Organizing Business once per week and From the Desk of Janet Barclay once per month. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time.

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Photo by .shock / Depositphotos

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