Organizing for Special Events – Professional Organizers Blog Carnival
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Welcome to the June 2010 edition of the Professional Organizers Blog Carnival! This is our one-year anniversary, and that’s why I chose this month’s theme. I’m really excited that you’ve dropped by, because I have a surprise announcement to commemorate this special occasion! But first, this month’s contributions…
Many of us are planning one event or another this time of year, so we’re lucky to be surrounded by professional organizers to share their tips with us. Take a few minutes to read the following posts and, while you’re at it, why not get to know your colleagues by leaving a comment or two and/or following someone new on Twitter?
“After spending 8 years in the Hospitality industry and one year as a Catering Coordinator for a large downtown hotel, managing over 20,000 sq feet of space, I can say that event planning has its challenges. Staying organized and on top of details is key.”
Michelle Panzlaff
If you’ve got a family gathering in the works, you won’t want to miss Ellen Delap’s Organizing For Special Events or Audrey Cupo’s Organizing That Special Event
Planning a wedding? Read Beverly Coggins’ A Dozen Tips for a Less-Stressed Wedding and Lelah Baker-Rabe’s Gift registry tips.
Is there a baby on the way? Read Angela Esnouf’s Interview with an Organised Mum-to-Be.
A big thanks to everyone who participated in this anniversary edition of the Professional Organizers Blog Carnival! We have a fairly small Carnival this month, but over the past year, 50 bloggers have taken part in this monthly feature.
At this time I would like to give special recognition to Angela Esnouf, who has contributed to a total of 11 Blog Carnivals to date. Angela has been named our first “Professional Organizers Blog Carnival Star Blogger” and has been provided with a special badge which she can place on her blog.
You too can be a Professional Organizers Blog Carnival Star Blogger! Once you have been featured in 10 Blog Carnivals, you will also receive a badge to display on your blog. You can get started today by submitting a post for July, when our theme will be Book Reviews. Whether it’s a book you’ve read recently or an all-time favorite, we want to know about it! You have until Monday, July 12 to make your submission, so you’ve got plenty of time to read a book and post a review on your blog, or you are welcome to submit a link to one of your older posts.
Our theme for August will be Getting Organized for Back to School.
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
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So fun to see this early version of the POBC. Congratulations on keeping it going for so many years. I’ve had the pleasure of participating, as well as learning so much from the contributions of other POs.
Cheers to more great years ahead!
Thank you, Seana – it wouldn’t be possible without loyal participants like you!
Almost 12 1/2 years ago. This post is getting ready for a Bar Mitzvah! 😉 It’s a fun reminder to see how far the carnival has come! Your stuff is the best, Janet!
Thanks so much, Julie. You’ve been a huge supporter since Day One and I will never forget that.