October 2009 Professional Organizers Blog Carnival

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Here it is once again – time for the Professional Organizers Blog Carnival! This monthly feature is a chance for you to share your best blog posts and learn from your colleagues in the organizing industry. We have a few new contributors this month, including a very special guest. I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag, so read on and enjoy!

Let’s begin with the 10 Best Reasons to Get Organized, in which Lelah Baker-Rabe shares some familiar and not-so-familiar reminders about how getting organized can improve your life.

Next, Jeri Dansky answers a Reader Question: Organizing the Adult Toys.

The value of Professional Organizer Training, Certification and Credentials are discussed by Janine Adams in Why training and credentials matter

Business Strategy is a topic that’s important to all of us, and Lisa Montanaro shares some great ideas in Time is on Your Side: 10 Ways to Reinvest in Your Business During a Slow Economy. Lisa says,

If business is slow for you, this may be the perfect time to do some of the business-building activities that you never have the time to do when you are too busy working in the business. This may also be a golden opportunity for professional development, reflection, and brainstorming.

Angela Esnouf states that:

To get change you need to make changes.  This holds true for our clients as much as it does for our businesses.

Read her post Different Actions Get Different Results for an example.

Thanks for stopping by, and a special thanks to everyone who contributed to this month’s Professional Organizers Blog Carnival! Be sure to read the above posts, leave some comments, and get to know one your organizing colleagues. If you didn’t participate, I do hope you’ll join us next time!

Topics for 2024

January: Forming New Habits
Sponsor: Geralin Thomas, Career Coach to Professional Organizers

February: Creative Storage Solutions
Sponsor: Sabrina’s Organizing & Admin Services

March: Money Management
Sponsor: Mindflows for ADHD

April: Education and Organizing
Sponsorship available

May: Filing Systems
Sponsor: Sabrina’s Organizing & Admin Services

June: Collaboration
Sponsor: Peggy Wonder, Space For You

July: Writing and Organizing
Sponsorship available

August: Meal Planning
Sponsorship available

September: Organizing Meetings
Submission dates: August 15 to September 18
Sponsorship available

October: Organizing for Seasonal Changes
Submission dates: September 19 to October 16
Sponsorship available

November: Best Organizing & Productivity Books
Submission dates: October 17 to November 20
Sponsor: Coach Approach Training Institute

December: Best of 2024
Submission dates: November 21 to December 25
Sponsorship available

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A former professional organizer, I now eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, watching movies, and cooking.

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