People who made the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival amazing in 2022

Image of a star award
Janet Barclay

Janet Barclay

A former professional organizer, I now eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, watching movies, and cooking.

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I really enjoy reading and learning from the wide variety of posts contributed to the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival each month.

It’s very rewarding to help my readers attract traffic to their website, connect with other bloggers, and grow their professional network.

I especially enjoy awarding badges to participants who’ve reached a certain number of submissions during the year.

Star Bloggers

After contributing to 10 or more editions, you become a Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival Star Blogger. Two people reached this level in 2022, both named Lisa G!

Please join me in congratulating Lisa Gessert and Lisa Griffith for their achievement.

Superstar Bloggers

A Superstar Blogger is someone who has participated in 25 or more editions of the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival.

Congratulations go out to Andi Willis and Hilda Rodgers on reaching this level.

Megastar Bloggers

To be named a Megastar Blogger, you have to contribute to 50 or more editions of the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival. With only 12 opportunities per year, this means participating for quite a few years, and I’m excited to award this rank to a record number of four bloggers!

Be sure to recognize Debbie Rosemont, Janet Schiesl, Julie Stobbe, and Nancy Haworth for their dedication to blogging.

First Timers

I always love seeing names appear in the Blog Carnival for the first time, whether they’re familiar from Blogging Organizers or elsewhere, or brand new to me.

Please join me in welcoming the following bloggers, who participated in their first Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival during 2022:

  • Amélie Saint-Jacques
  • Carol Brochu
  • Caroline Warren
  • Carrie Cooper
  • Cathy Milton
  • Darla DeMorrow
  • Donae Cannon
  • Jana Arevalo
  • Jill Katz
  • Kat Buckley
  • Lisa Michaels
  • Patti Howell

    Thank you – let’s keep it up!

    I’m grateful for everyone who played a role in the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival this year, including the 27 bloggers not listed here.

    More than 300 bloggers have contributed nearly 2700 posts to the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival since its inception in 2009. Check out the archives to see what you’ve missed.

    If you’d like to benefit from exposure on Your Organizing Business, I hope you’ll consider joining us next year. You can start right away by submitting a post to January’s Blog Carnival, when we’re looking at Apps to Help You Reach Your Goals, thanks to sponsorship by Geralin Thomas, Career Coach for Professional Organizers.

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    Photo by Elnur_ / DepositPhotos

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    Become a Star

    Contribute to 10 or more Blog Carnivals and get recognized as a POBC Star Blogger!

    I recommend...


    1. Julie Bestry Julie Bestry on December 29, 2022 at 3:30 am

      By my count, with the Star, Superstsar, and Megastar bloggers, that makes 70 of us? Look at how you inspire bloggers to create and share content, Janet! Whoohoo!

      • Avatar Janet Barclay on December 30, 2022 at 11:32 am

        That is pretty amazing, Julie! And you 70 have contributed over half of the posts, so you definitely deserve recognition.

    2. Avatar Janet Schiesl on December 29, 2022 at 7:17 am

      Thanks for including me as a megastar blogger. What a surprise! You are a great support to all of the organizer bloggers.

      • Avatar Janet Barclay on December 30, 2022 at 11:33 am

        I wasn’t surprised. You’ve been doing a lot with your blog!

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