How to Promote and Grow your Business as a Professional Organizer



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professional organizer

Over the past few years, I’ve attended a number of Better Business Expo trade shows, where I’ve made some interesting connections in various industries. One of the exhibitors recently reached out to me about writing a guest post, and I am very pleased to introduce you to Ownr, a company that helps Canadians to start and grow their businesses.


Whether you’re just starting your career as a professional organizer or you’ve been in the industry for a while, having an excellent strategy for growing and promoting your small business is essential. With the right marketing and promotion techniques, you can go from zero clients to a full schedule, or upgrade from smaller, low paying jobs to landing the high paying clients you dream of.

If you’re just beginning to research a career as a professional organizer, you might be wondering what the job entails, exactly. Professional organizers help people and organizations create systems they can keep up with to manage clutter in any space in their home, office, or even digital spaces. They tidy messes, but more importantly, they help their clients implement a structure that will prevent the mess and disorganization from rearing its ugly head again.

Under the broad umbrella of a professional organization business, there are many specializations you can pursue. Maybe you’re better at tackling the organization of homes than offices, or you really want to focus on specific problem areas such as closets or garages. Deciding how you will specialize is an important first step to promoting and marketing your business.

Define your target market

Clearly defining exactly who is in your target audience will make your marketing efforts much more fruitful than if you try to reach anyone and everyone at once with your message. Once you’ve decided on your area of specialization as a professional organizer, think about who your ideal client is. How old are they? Where do they live? What is their lifestyle? What problem do they have that you can solve with your services?

Defining your target audience in very specific terms will allow you to craft your communications and marketing efforts to speak directly to that ideal client. If you know as much as possible about them, your communications will resonate with them, increasing your chances of landing them as your next customer.

Develop an unforgettable brand

Once you know your target audience, you can begin developing your branding. If you’re like many entrepreneurs, the first thing that comes to mind when you hear branding is your logo. But your brand is so much more than that: it encompasses the voice and tone that you use in your communications and marketing materials, the fonts and colours that you use, the specific services you offer, and much more. It refers to the overall feeling and impression that customers are left with after interacting with you, whether it’s on your social media channels, in a newsletter, on your website, or in person. You can think of your brand as the personality of your small business.

Since you have a well-defined vision of your target audience, you can make sure that all of your branding is designed to appeal to that dream customer.

Get the most out of your social media channels

You can leverage your social media channels to market your business without necessarily spending any money. Using your Instagram for business promotions is something entrepreneurs should definitely consider.

Before and after photos are such a powerful visual tool for getting new customers and Instagram is a perfect place to share them using industry-specific hashtags. Whether your target clients are private individuals or businesses, chances are they or their employees are on Instagram and ready to discover you.

Instagram recently rolled out a storefront feature allowing customers to shop from businesses directly on the platform. Even though you may not be selling a physical product, this feature is a great new way to engage with your customers. You can put things like consultation sessions or hourly organization services in your storefront as a way to encourage new customers to get in touch with you.

Become a valuable resource in your industry

As an entrepreneur, becoming a thought leader in your industry and community, no matter how small, is a highly effective way to build trust in your brand and services. Creating a website is an important step for any professional organizer as it communicates your professionalism and the legitimacy of your business.

Once you choose the best website builder for your needs, create a blog to share your industry insights and to give people a reason to keep coming back to your site. A blog will also help boost the SEO ranking of your website, so make sure you write blog posts that include keywords related to your professional organization business.

You might also want to launch a regular newsletter with organization tips and tricks to give your subscribers a taste of how working with you will help them.

If you’re comfortable in front of a camera, you can even start a YouTube channel sharing some of your insights. Not only does it help to prove that you know your stuff, but it’s also a good way to reach new clients and even make a little bit of extra money from monetizing your channel.

If you’re ready to register your business and begin your career as a professional organizer, Ownr can help. It’s a simple, affordable way to get started, saving you time and money so that you can focus on the important aspects of entrepreneurship.

Photo by racorn / DepositPhotos

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  1. Karen Windholz on July 22, 2020 at 12:28 pm

    Great article! It helps so much to define out ideal client, which is something I’ve been working on. Thanks for sharing.

    • Janet Barclay on July 23, 2020 at 12:59 pm

      It’s an important step and I think a lot of business owners overlook it, especially when they’re first starting out and are afraid of limiting themselves.

      • Melanie on July 27, 2020 at 11:55 am

        Thanks for all the tips! I’ve found that defining your niche is so important, as well as discovering your unique voice. I have a background in live performance so I knew that a YouTube channel would be a natural sharing channel for my business. The hardest part is trying to focus on using a few outlets well, rather than trying to use all of them poorly.

        • Janet Barclay on July 28, 2020 at 5:42 am

          That’s a real challenge, isn’t it, Melanie! I agree that YouTube would be a great platform for you. And then you can share those videos on your blog or any other social media channels that are a good fit.

  2. Seana Turner on July 22, 2020 at 1:00 pm

    Lots of great tips for starting and growing your business. I have to check into doing more with my Instagram. I know I could do better on many fronts, but at least I’m moving forward, so that is something. I have been trying to put some more videos up on my Youtube channel. People do seem to like videos!

    • Janet Barclay on July 23, 2020 at 1:00 pm

      Social media can be a real challenge, can’t it? If you don’t put in the work, you don’t get the engagement, but when you don’t get the engagement, it’s hard to motivate yourself to do the work…

  3. Ronni on July 27, 2020 at 8:14 am

    This is so current and helpful. I was fascinated by the article on Instagram. It’s in a enormous amount of work to build that Instagram account but as the article points out, the visibility is tremendous. I didn’t know about Question Stickers: Hosting a Q&A session. That’s such a great tip. I also enjoyed reading about the Instagram shopping and didn’t know that you could add your services. There’s so much to learn! Terrific info?

    • Janet Barclay on July 28, 2020 at 5:44 am

      It’s funny, on the surface Instagram appears much simpler than other social media platforms, but it offers a lot of capability!

  4. LISA GESSERT on July 27, 2020 at 8:34 am

    wow Janet thanks for this wonderful information!! I am on instagram a bit but never thought of it as a business tool!! I will be looking into this this week!!

    • Janet Barclay on July 28, 2020 at 5:47 am

      I have a business account as well as the one I use for my photography, but I’m not making the most of it either. I need to review my Instagram Insights instead of just looking at Likes and Comments, because they don’t tell the whole story.

  5. Linda Samuels Linda Samuels on July 27, 2020 at 9:34 am

    This is all great advice, especially for people that are just starting out. I also checked out Ownr’s website. I like how they make it clear and easy to see what services they offer. They also offer a simple entry into creating a business with two options.

    As Lisa mentioned, I also liked Onwr’s ideas for how to use the Instagram storefront.

    • Janet Barclay on July 28, 2020 at 5:51 am

      I was pretty impressed when I met them at the Better Business Expo. What they do is serious stuff, but they present in a very engaging way.

  6. Sabrina Quairoli on July 27, 2020 at 11:39 am

    Great advice for new and seasoned Professional Organizers! I love that you gave some questions to ponder to determine the target market. Answering questions is a sure-fire way to get a better solution for your situation. Thanks for sharing!

    I will have to check out the storefront feature on Instagram. I wonder if it is performing well with a better ROI. I guess time will tell.

    • Janet Barclay on July 28, 2020 at 5:53 am

      It’s always a gamble trying something new. When Google+ came out, I was all over it, and did presentations to two or three groups to help their members get on board as well as helping my clients get set up. And now it’s gone. 🙁

  7. Amy on July 30, 2020 at 9:43 am

    Knowing your niche, your ideal client is critical. Great advice right up front.

  8. Deb Lee Deb Lee on August 3, 2020 at 10:31 am

    Love your advice, Janet, especially for organizers at the beginning of their career. It can also be a great reminder for “seasoned” folks especially as they evolve and change (e.g., branding).

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