3 Smart Apps for Professional Organizers and Consultants to Recommend

smart apps
Kayla Matthews

Kayla Matthews

Kayla Matthews is the owner and editor of the self-improvement and efficiency blog, ProductivityTheory.com. Her work has appeared on Inc.com, Fast Company, Tiny Buddha and FinerMinds. To read more posts from Kayla, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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Professional organizers and productivity consultants do great work in helping others learn how to allocate their time and tasks. From improving project management skills to guiding responsible fiscal habits, organization enables people to best prepare for the expected, which is what occurs most of the time.

The skill of organization isn’t exactly second nature, which is why professional organizers and productivity consultants are so important. Many get overwhelmed when confronted with a flurry of events and correspondence.

This conundrum is where professional organizers can help dramatically. In many cases, a client’s organizational skills can improve quickly by introducing them to smart apps with automated organizational abilities.

These three smart apps organize everything from photos to a daily to-do list. Best of all, they use sophisticated AI technology for automatic organization, yet despite their technological brilliance remain easy to use:

1. Google Photos

Google Photos is a massively successful app for Google, boasting more than 500 million active monthly users. The reason for the app’s popularity is fairly simple. As smartphone and computer users alike get hassled with storage platforms charging for space, Google’s usability and trustworthiness make it a go-to for cloud storage in general.

A big reason for uploading photos online is to share them with friends and family, often via social media or email. The task of manually sifting through hundreds, or even thousands, of photos and individually attending to each one, from tagging people to finding the appropriate album to place it in, can be extremely time-consuming. As a result, many in a time crunch opt for disorganized, unreliable photo storage instead.

Google Photos attracts attention for its emerging features in self-organization. Users can utilize a Suggested Sharing feature, which uses facial recognition, to send photos to those in them. Facebook did something similar with its Moments app. Google expands upon machine-learning algorithms by assigning objects in photos an ID, which makes them searchable. So, if your client wants to find a photo of a sunset, simply type in sunset.

If Google is behind in anything, it’s social media. The number of Google+ users pales in comparison to Facebook users. Many view Google Photos as a wise method by Google to improve the visibility of its social media platform, hopefully bringing in new users through its Photos app and gradually introducing their social media platforms that way. Regardless, Google Photos is a very useful, time-saving tool with amazing organizational abilities.

Clients who express frustration with organizing their media and photos in particular should be referred to Google Photos. The app’s automated detection can save hours upon hours of time and frustration.

2. Trevor

Trevor dubs itself as “the first calendar designed to help you get your tasks done,” emphasizing the Get Things Done workflow as its basis. Essentially, this tool enhances the simplicity of task lists and integrates tasks with a schedule that synchronizes with a calendar. Then, the AI within Trevor crunches the numbers to determine the best way to spend time.

Since the calendar is updated based on added events, Trevor only takes about one minute to create a schedule for the day. Trevor touts an 80 percent completion rate for scheduled tasks, which is double the to-do list average.

Trevor’s ability to grasp the context of a schedule, while offering analytics on how the user spends their time, makes the AI a fantastic organizational tool. Trevor‘s ability to adjust and adapt to changes in a schedule is especially impressive, essentially serving as a kind of professional organizer and consultant in itself.

3. Edison Mail

Edison’s API improves overall efficiency on some levels, from streamlining travel information like itineraries and check-in times, analyzing budget behavior with item and vendor data, quickly extracting contact information and parsing specific emails with its REST API.

Edison turns previous hassles into something more accessible, truly understanding emails and using the important data for better organization. For clients who complain about too many emails and being unable to sort them well enough, Edison Mail can be a massive time-saver.


These three smart apps utilize sophisticated AI to organize the data that matters. In the case of Google Photos, sophisticated organization is made possible by facial and object recognition. For Trevor and Edison Mail, intelligent AI works to extract important data from a schedule and emails, respectively.

These apps can either be used independently or combined to boost productivity and organizational skills.

People who discover these apps with the aid of a professional organizer or productivity consultant will very likely feel the organizer has done a fantastic job of helping improve their organization and productivity skills.

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  1. Avatar Seana Turner on September 13, 2017 at 3:03 pm

    There are some tools here I’m not familiar with. Sometimes I find it hard to keep up with everything that is available. Good to know there are people who keep me on my toes:)

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on September 14, 2017 at 1:17 pm

      These were all new to me – except for Google Photos, but I didn’t realize it was so powerful!

  2. Linda Samuels Linda Samuels on September 18, 2017 at 9:03 am

    I’m not familiar with any of these apps either. Trevor sounds particularly intriguing.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on September 18, 2017 at 1:17 pm

      I would definitely be checking it out if I wasn’t in such a good routine with Todoist! Please let me know if you try it.

  3. Avatar Sabrina Quairoli on September 18, 2017 at 9:35 am

    I never heard of some of these apps. The Edison Mail sounds interesting. I plan on checking this one out. Thanks for sharing.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on September 18, 2017 at 1:20 pm

      I’d be interested in learning more about that one too! Please let me know if you give it a try.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on September 21, 2017 at 12:34 pm

      I just found out that Edison Mail used to be called Easily Do – and they’ve sponsored two of our past Blog Carnivals.

  4. Avatar Daria Harvey on September 20, 2017 at 12:25 pm

    I will definitely check out Trevor! I offer time management strategy services and this tool will be invaluable to some of my clients. Thanks for the great info!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on September 21, 2017 at 12:35 pm

      Artificial intelligence is a little bit freaky, but it has some amazing applications, especially when it comes to productivity.

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