Top mobile apps for boosting your productivity

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Top mobile apps for boosting your productivity

Are you always on the go? Between client sessions, networking events, and trade shows, not to mention personal errands, you probably find yourself relying more and more on your smartphone or tablet to stay connected when you’re away from your computer. Fortunately, there are lots of apps to help you stay productive anytime and anywhere, like these three recommended by Christian Abbas.


The way in which we approach our business lives has evolved significantly in recent years. With the perpetual development of technology, and an ever increasing access to information, we are no longer bound by our physical location.

It is now possible to remain fully connected to our work operations, regardless of whether we are at home, visiting clients or on the move, and this has resulted in a consequential rise in remote working. Development in the functionality and usability of smartphone apps has played an important role in this trend.

There are countless mobile apps designed to enhance the capabilities of our business mobile phones and to help us to remain more productive when on the move. In this article, we have outlined the ones which we think really stand out from the crowd.

Microsoft Office Mobile

For all of the people who use Microsoft Office as their primary software suite for word processing, spreadsheets and presentations, Microsoft Office Mobile is the ideal companion. Users can remotely access all of their important files from the Office365 cloud service, as and when they are needed. Not only that, the smartphone app boasts impressive editing capabilities, allowing users to update documents directly from the mobile interface, and any changes made are immediately synced and backed up to the cloud.


Social media management is becoming an increasingly core component of all business’ marketing strategy, and they must find the time to dedicate to maintaining an active presence. With billions of social media users interacting across a range of platforms, including Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter, it is often beneficial to host profiles on multiple networks. Given that each social network is unique and must be approached accordingly, this can present a very time-consuming task.

Buffer, one of the most popular social media management apps, serves to reduce the effort required to remain active across multiple platforms. Users can easily schedule and post to any of their social accounts, and being able to do this on the move means that it does not have to interrupt any other work activities.


You will no doubt have experience of stumbling across interesting articles on your smartphone, seducing you with enticing titles, which you simply do not have the time to read. Sometimes, our curiosity gets the better of us, and we delay whatever we were initially doing to ensure we don’t miss out on any insightful information that the article has to offer.

This is exactly where Pocket comes in. At the touch of a button, you can easily store an article for later reading, allowing you to focus on what’s important at that moment. Sure, you can also email them to yourself, or save them as bookmarks in your mobile browser. But, if you’re like me, you’ll end up with a fragmented list of links, which you never actually get round to revisiting. Pocket stores all the interesting content in one place, allowing you to easily catch up when you have some free time.

These are just a few of the apps which we find to be most beneficial in helping us to get the most out of the day. There are countless others which will also help you to boost your productivity.

If you have any other suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments.

I recommend...

Christian is a content strategist and web designer from Scotland, UK. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh Business School and went on to set up his own marketing agency, Prime Digital.

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  1. Avatar Kim Oser on October 16, 2014 at 11:41 pm

    Great article. I love Buffer & Pocket. I’d add Dropbox (file storage, sharing and back-up), Any.Do (to-do list, on Android evens adds reminders to return missed or ignored calls) and Evernote (an organized repository to hold and access everything that passes through my brain). Thanks again for great content.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on October 17, 2014 at 7:01 am

      Thanks for your comment, Kim. It’s always good to have feedback from someone who is an expert on technology and productivity! Congratulations on your Evernote certification, by the way. Would love to hear more about that some time!

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