Need More Blog Post Ideas? Here Are 7 Tools That Can Help

blog post ideas
Kayla Matthews

Kayla Matthews

Kayla Matthews is the owner and editor of the self-improvement and efficiency blog, Her work has appeared on, Fast Company, Tiny Buddha and FinerMinds. To read more posts from Kayla, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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You probably began blogging with a list 20 pages long of possible post ideas. But now you struggle to fill a sticky note with enough ideas to last you the week.

Or maybe you’ve just embarked on the blogging journey for the first time, and you need fresh topics that go well in your niche. You want to fill up your posting schedule to stay on task, so you’re looking into future post ideas.

Either way, you need to generate traffic for your blog, which means you need resources to spark original ideas or new spins on old content. Fortunately, the internet has ample tools to assist bloggers with creativity. Check out these seven tools to get new blog post ideas.

1. Feedly

Reading blogs similar to yours can help you keep your posts relevant and spark new ideas. Feedly and other feed tools that compile blogs of your choice allow you to quickly scroll through recent posts. You can add blogs that inspire you and writers that you aspire to be like, then check in on Feedly to expose yourself to plenty of ideas. You also have the option of setting your feed by keyword or any RSS feeds.

2. Soovle

If you’re curious about keywords for your posts, try out Soovle to effectively research keywords. It gathers the queries from big-name search engines — Bing, Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Youtube and more — to show you related suggestions. If you’re wondering what people want to know about “organization tips,” you can punch it in to find that “work” and “home” are often added before that term — which could also be the subject of a new blog post.

3. Google Trends

Content marketing helps curb people’s curiosity, but you need to know what the latest trends are to inform readers. Head over to Google Trends to stay up to date on what people want to know about a certain industry. Plug in a few phrases from your area of expertise to get started.

4. Twitter

You can let Twitter boost your ideas for posts by looking into what people all over the world are publishing on this rich social media source. Find out what people are tweeting about a particular topic by typing in a simple hashtag. Are they asking questions? Do they have a special interest in a facet of an industry? View top influencers’ thoughts on subjects, or find links to blogs you didn’t know existed to come up with a fresh approach for a post.

5. Ubersuggest

On Ubersuggest, you can view everything from a keyword’s search volume to its SEO difficulty. To get suggestions and related information on a keyword, you can enter it in the search bar. If you want to find out about “productivity,” you can even see when the most searches for this keyword occurred, which might help you to know when to post about this topic. You can come up with creative twists on your subject when you work with Ubersuggest.

6. BuzzSumo

For a tool that’s a valuable fusion of content analysis and trending information, give BuzzSumo a go. You can learn how well similar posts have performed on many social media platforms, view backlinks and refine the kind of blogs you want to compare with. It even displays musings from several people about your topic, so your new post can be the answer to their burning questions.

7. TweakYourBiz’s Title Generator

When you know what you want to write about but can’t land on a decent title, this one’s for you. You can discover an interesting title when you check out TweakYourBiz’s Title Generator. Turn your predictable title into something that will attract readers by entering your original topic. You’ll have a list of alternatives to choose from, and you can trade a simple title like “Ways to Be Productive” for “8 Amazing Productivity Hacks for Work.”

Successfully Generate Blog Post Ideas

When blogger’s block strikes again, you can sift through this list of tools to find a resource that can get you writing appealing content again. Take your subject and brainstorm engaging positions that your readers can appreciate — you can thank us later.

Blog post ideas

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  1. Avatar Seana Turner on March 27, 2019 at 12:02 pm

    Love the idea of doing a Twitter hashtag search. I love Twitter and am on all the time, but I haven’t actually had a look at this a source of blog inspiration… great idea!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on March 28, 2019 at 12:22 pm

      It’s funny how we might use a strategy such as hashtags to draw attention to our own tweets, but not use them as search tools ourselves. I’m in the same boat as you!

  2. Avatar Janet Schiesl on March 27, 2019 at 12:40 pm

    I’ve never heard of most of these, so I’ll look into them. Thanks.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on March 28, 2019 at 12:27 pm

      Please let us know if you find any of them especially useful.

  3. Avatar Olive Wagar on March 29, 2019 at 4:13 pm

    We often don’t know what we don’t know–thanks for keeping us in the technology loop, Janet!!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on March 30, 2019 at 12:25 pm

      Ha ha – good point, Olive! Glad it was helpful.

  4. Avatar Sabrina Quairoli on April 8, 2019 at 10:55 am

    Great resources for blogging! I will definitely try out Title Generator! Thank you.

  5. Avatar Nancy Haworth on April 8, 2019 at 5:32 pm

    Thanks for all of these resources! I will definitely try some of them. I have written almost 200 blogs on various home organizing topics, so I am always looking for new and trending ideas.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on April 9, 2019 at 2:02 pm

      200 – wow! It must feel like you’ve covered everything some days…

  6. Linda Samuels Linda Samuels on April 8, 2019 at 6:35 pm

    You always provide us with a wealth of resources to help us be better writers and bloggers. Several years ago you pointed me to Headline Analyzer, which I use regularly. But the TweakYourBiz title generator sounds excellent too. I’m definitely going to give that a try. Maybe I’ll experiment with using both sites in conjunction for even better titles.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on April 9, 2019 at 2:03 pm

      That’s a great idea, Linda. The Headline Analyzer is good, but it doesn’t offer specific suggestions like this one.

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