Best of 2023 – Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival

Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival - Best of 2023
Janet Barclay

Janet Barclay

A former professional organizer, I now eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, watching movies, and cooking.

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Every December since 2019, I’ve invited my readers to submit their best blog post of the year to the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival. This is a great opportunity for you to read any that you missed or would like to read again.

I let the contributors interpret the word “best” however they liked, and many of them shared the reason for their choice. As you read their posts, you’re sure to pick up some valuable tips and perhaps even some inspiration for your own blog!

Please connect with the bloggers on social media, leave comments, and share your favorite posts with your own network.

Best of 2023

Lisa Griffith

This was my most recent blog in November, and I received a ton of great feedback on it. I think people are looking for simple things they can tackle at the end of the year when things are hectic and we put off real, meaningful change until January, as if just the tick of the calendar from one day to the next really means anything significant! I wanted to offer some really easy stuff that people can implement immediately in small ways that will impact their productivity in big ways in the future.

Sabrina Quairoli

I've updated this post with different ideas over the past five years. But, this year, it seems it has become an enormous hit, especially on Pinterest. People want their bedroom to be a relaxing place to unwind, enjoy their evening, and sleep.

Cathy Borg

I've had much more traction with this post than any of my other posts this year. It is straight-forward and thorough. It isn't loaded with jargon. I've tried to keep it light and heartfelt.

Kim Tremblay

I had the most comments on this post. Also, many many hits on the linked post about Swedish Death Cleaning. I think that because both of these posts are quite personal and vulnerable they were popular. Although the second post (the link) is probably popular because of the funny graphic - "Man looking into full garage and saying "someday all of this will be yours". lol

Hazel Thornton

High Five Friday is my favorite post because of all the engagement it has led to on Facebook.

It is heartwarming to see friends and followers from different parts of my life encouraging each other.

Stacey Agin Murray

This was my first 'case-study' blog post and I received a lot of positive feedback on it.

Clare Kumar

How can a watermark mean so much?

This post is about me joining a group of people in a course where I expected to feel seen and understood. Instead, I was seen and my needs totally dismissed.

I've always smarted at a lack of compassion for me or others and in this case, I was shocked and saddened.

Writing the post was cathartic for me in helping me to find an articulate way of handling a challenging situation.

The situation was deeply disappointing to me and still is, but writing about it helped me let it go and move on. For me, that's a success.

Linda Samuels

Transitions can be challenging, and this post looks at ways to navigate change with more ease. It also had the most visits of all 2023 posts.

Natalie Gallagher

It's super comprehensive and provides a valuable free resource to readers

Jana Arevalo

It’s ranking number one and it brings in my most traffic. But I also really like it! It sets a foundation for my thinking about decluttering and organizing and how I help my clients.

Phaedra Studt

It showcases a unique perspective of creating boundaries for ourselves to help guide our decision making on what goes, what stays, and what we bring into our homes.

Debbie Rosemont

I like to think it has wide appeal, addressing things one can do at home, but that could have positive impact on work.

Lauren Williams

Good hook for a title. Had some funny bits, and I definitely think it made my in-ya-face-Nu-Yawker personality obvious - I'm proud of "Cordon Blech." I think I did a decent job of conveying "Look, 'even' an Organizer, a 'professional,' gets tripped up sometimes" - modeling vulnerability maybe - and therefore "anybody and everybody gets tripped up sometimes." I hope I got people thinking about whether they beat themselves up unfairly and unkindly. I know at least one person got the message, she commented on it.

Janet Barclay

Most solopreneurs do their own SEO due to budget constraints, but many don't really understand how keywords work so I wanted to provide some helpful basics. Based on the traffic and comments, I think I did well!

Janet Schiesl

This post discusses and gives examples of how to get organized by focusing on making changes. We often work with clients who think that the perfect product will solve all their organizing challenges. We, as organizers know that that doesn't work.

Julie Bestry

I really leaned into more coverage of productivity concepts this year. While this wasn't the post that kicked it off, it really connects all of the disparate threads of procrastination, motivation, the need for breaks to maintain stamina, and sets the stage for all the "why" and "how" questions for getting ourselves ready to get things done. It also has so many fun resources and graphics, and I remember how much joy it gave me to put this post together.

Hellen Buttigieg
Seana Turner

I chose this post because it got the highest "headline analyzer" and "SEO" scores of the year. Also, because it focused on productivity, which is an area I am finding is growing in my business. I love helping people feel better about the ways in which they are using their time, and I'm hoping to do more of this in the coming years.

That Hoarder

I wasn't sure which to choose - my personal favourite? The one I got the best feedback on? I decided to go for the episode that got the most downloads this year - over 1700 - because it's clearly a popular and important topic that people wanted to learn more about, and my guest, Dr Jan Eppingstall, is a wonder.

Chantal Imbach

It was the most popular one this year and triggered some comments and interest

Thanks to everyone who shared their Best of 2023! Be sure to come back next week to find out who has attained the rank of Star Blogger, Superstar Blogger, or Megastar Blogger during the past year – plus a very special announcement!

It’s not too early to start thinking about 2023! Please let me know what topics you’d like to read or write about or if you know of a potential sponsor (maybe even yourself!).

In the meantime, go ahead and submit a post to January’s Blog Carnival, when the topic will be Forming New Habits, sponsored by Geralin Thomas, Career Coach for Professional Organizers.

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Topics for 2024

January: Forming New Habits
Sponsor: Geralin Thomas, Career Coach to Professional Organizers

February: Creative Storage Solutions
Sponsor: Sabrina’s Organizing & Admin Services

March: Money Management
Sponsor: Mindflows for ADHD

April: Education and Organizing

May: Filing Systems
Sponsor: Sabrina’s Organizing & Admin Services

June: Collaboration
Sponsor: Peggy Wonder, Space For You

July: Writing and Organizing

August: Meal Planning

September: Organizing Meetings

October: Organizing for Seasonal Changes

November: Best Organizing & Productivity Books
Submission dates: October 17 to November 20
Sponsor: Coach Approach Training Institute

December: Best of 2024
Submission dates: November 21 to December 25
Sponsorship available

Become a Star

Contribute to 10 or more Blog Carnivals and get recognized as a POBC Star Blogger!

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  1. Linda Samuels Linda Samuels on December 21, 2023 at 10:29 am

    What a fun collection! I also love reading how people decided on what “best post of the year” meant to them. There are so many ways to select the criteria. I look forward to deep diving into this awesome selection.

    Thank you for including mine and for giving us the ongoing opportunity to share.

  2. Avatar Sabrina Quairoli on December 21, 2023 at 11:10 am

    What a wonderful collection! I really enjoyed all of them. It’s interesting how different all the different posts are. Thanks for the opportunity to include my post. I shared all of them on my different social media accounts.

  3. Avatar Seana Turner on December 21, 2023 at 1:36 pm

    I enjoy reading the comments for why people selected the various posts. This is a fun wrap up of so much great content from the year. I’ll be checking out the ones I haven’t read yet.

    Here’s to another wonderful year of blogging in 2024!

  4. Julie Bestry Julie Bestry on December 21, 2023 at 7:42 pm

    I love the variety of posts and the wealth of expertise and talent among this group. I’ve already read many of these posts, but some are new and intriguing, so I can’t wait to check them out and share them.

    Onward to 2024!

  5. Avatar Hellen Buttigieg on December 21, 2023 at 11:54 pm

    Thank you for including me and sharing the meditation I created. Loved the variety of articles included!

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