Why I’m lovin’ Bloglovin’

Why Seana Turner loves Bloglovin'
Seana Turner

Seana Turner

Seana Turner is the founder and president of The Seana Method, a professional organizing company in Connecticut. She finds great joy in helping others realize the freedom that organization can bring to life.

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If you read a lot of organizing blogs, you’ve probably run into Seana Turner, who is a Professional Organizers Blog Carnival Star Blogger. As one of her regular readers, I’ve noticed that she gets a lot of engagement on her blog. I’ve also noticed that she has a “Follow me on Bloglovin'” button in her sidebar, and I couldn’t help but wonder if there might be a connection between these two things.

I’ve invited Seana here today to explain how and why she uses this blogging tool. Check out her Bloglovin’ review — maybe it would be a good fit for you too!


Recent years have seen the explosion of the blog. Originally called “weblogs,” blogs have become a fresh way for individuals, businesses and influencers to connect with the public. As a blogger myself, I have enjoyed using this medium to share tips and ideas with my readers. As a reader (and a professional organizer who appreciates order), I wanted an efficient system for receiving and managing my blog subscriptions.

There are a couple of reasons why I like Bloglovin’.

For the blogger…

  • Bloglovin’ automatically posts my new blogs to the feed of those who are following my blog. This provides a quick and effortless connection between my posts and my readers. [Note: you do need a valid RSS-feed on your blog for Bloglovin’ to be able to find and display your posts.]
  • The blog feed shows my featured image, as well as the title and a few lines of my post, enticing readers to click through.
  • Bloglovin’ keeps my posts in the feed for two weeks, meaning visitors who only periodically scroll through their feed have plenty of time to catch my latest post.
  • Bloglovin’ suggests my blogs to other users who are following similar content. This has been a great way to reach people who may not otherwise have found me.
  • I was able to download a button to post on my site that makes it easy for people to follow my blog.
  • Bloglovin’ provides analytics of my traffic.

For the reader of blogs…

  • Bloglovin’ is simple to set up. No technological wizardry required. This is a site for the average person.
  • It is easy to find, follow, and un-follow blogs. I can follow a blog either by clicking on the B’ icon on a blog’s page, or by going to the Bloglovin’ site and searching the name of the blog I wish to add.
  • Bloglovin’ allows me to group my blogs into categories. For those who follow many blogs, this added layer of context eases the process of organizing content for easy reading.
  • The service sends me one email a day where I can see all the recent posts by bloggers I’ve followed. If there are too many posts to comfortably fit in the email, it provides a link at the bottom that takes me to the reading “frame,” where the full list of posts can be scrolled through.
  • I can access my feed on my laptop or read it on my mobile device via the Bloglovin’ app. I like this feature because it provides a quick “go to” place when I find myself with a bit of spare time.
  • Bloglovin’ learns my preferences, and will offer my suggestions of blogs I might enjoy reading. I’ve found blogs I didn’t know existed via their suggestions. I find I frequently follow new blogs. Likewise, if I find a blog is no longer of interest, I just hop on the site and unfollow.
  • Basic membership on Bloglovin’ is free.

The world of blogs is an ever expanding and changing universe, and it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the technology and/or the sheer diversity of choices. If you are looking for a way to simplify the way you read and disseminate blogs, why not explore this tool at www.Bloglovin.com.

What blogging systems work well for you?

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  1. Avatar Chloe Harrison on March 14, 2016 at 11:18 am

    Great post! Seana Turner is definitely a professional in the field I totally recommend her!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on March 14, 2016 at 12:55 pm

      I can’t believe I haven’t asked her to be a guest blogger before!

  2. Avatar Jill Robson on March 14, 2016 at 1:36 pm

    I use Bloglovin as well, as yet I haven’t seen an increase in traffic to my site, but that could because my content is not as engaging as others, something I am working on.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on March 14, 2016 at 3:21 pm

      It can be hard getting the right information to the right people at the right time! Keep working on it – you’ll find that “sweet spot”!

  3. Avatar Nicki Lewis on March 14, 2016 at 1:51 pm

    Great job! Love Bloglovin!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on March 14, 2016 at 3:23 pm

      Do you use to promote your own blog, to find other blogs to read, or both?

  4. Avatar Sabrina Quairoli on March 14, 2016 at 1:52 pm

    Great post, Seana! Thanks for sharing, Janet. I’ve been using Bloglovin for years for my social media research for clients but just recently started following organizing blogs. I prefer the mobile apps because I can read while out waiting for my kids. It works nicely.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on March 14, 2016 at 3:18 pm

      I haven’t tried it myself, but I signed up so I could create the screenshot for this post, and it looks great. I can see that it would be perfect for reading while you’re out and about.

  5. Avatar Sarah Soboleski on March 14, 2016 at 5:52 pm

    Seana’s post are always helpful and I love the consistency in her posts! Thanks for this detailed review of Bloglovin’. If Seana is lovin’ it, I’m sure I will too! 😉

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on March 15, 2016 at 7:01 am

      I’ll be interested in hearing what you think of it.

  6. Avatar Hilda Rodgers on March 15, 2016 at 1:04 am

    Great post Seana and thanks for this topic Janet! The only reason I’m not a huge fan of Bloglovin as a blogger is that posts are read in an iframe which means I’m losing out on potential ad/affiliate revenue because they’re not reading my post on my blog or seeing my sidebar. As a reader, I can see how having blogs organized like this and being able to read them with the app would be great.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on March 15, 2016 at 6:59 am

      Thank you for mentioning that, Hilda! It’s important for bloggers who have ads in their sidebar to be aware of that.

      • Avatar Nancy Vorsanger on March 16, 2016 at 11:28 am

        Echoing Hilda: For reading blogs, I use Feedly, which I think is similar. I don’t get a digest, but check in periodically and read any new posts that have come in. I just scroll, from within Feedly, one after the other. But yes, all I see is the post. The only time I click through is if I want to leave a comment, so it’s true, I am not seeing ads or sidebars. Sorry, bloggers! But it is so efficient and easy to do it this way! I have often wondered what proportion of blog readers do what I do and fail to see the ads.

        I’ve noticed that a few blogs display only the first paragraph or so, and I have to click through to the actual blog to read. Perhaps that is an option in Bloglovin’? However, I will be honest and say I rarely click through. I wonder if the trade-off is good from a blogging perspective. I read fewer of the posts from those blogs, but when I do read, I click through (& thus am exposed to ads). But I read all of the posts from the blogs where I can see the full post–so I’m getting more info/familiarity/whatever, but with fewer click-throughs.

        • Avatar Janet Barclay on March 16, 2016 at 11:54 am

          I’m a Feedly reader as well, and I do click through if I’m sufficiently interested.

          Having readers see your ads is going to be more important for bloggers who depend on income from affiliate sales and advertising than those who blog mainly to promote a service business for whom affiliate income is just a nice add-on. That said, I do carefully decide what will appear in the sidebar of each page, and it never crossed my mind that a percentage of readers wouldn’t even see it!

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