Organizing Home Libraries – Professional Organizers Blog Carnival

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I think you can learn a lot about a person from seeing what books they read, which ones they choose to keep, and how they organize their personal library. This month, I’ve asked professional organizers to share their own strategies for organizing home libraries. Visit their blogs to find out what they said, leave a comment or two, and share your favorite posts with your social networks.
For the first time in many months, we have no new participants or new Professional Organizers Blog Carnival Star Bloggers to introduce, so without further ado, here are this month’s submissions!
Audrey Cupo – Take A Look At Your Books – Are They Organized?
Barbara Tako – Organize your books! A home library? Yes!
Jeri Dansky – Books: Weeding the Collection
Janice Russell – So Many Books, So Little Time!
Julie Bestry – Book ’em, Danno! Organizing Your Beloved Books
Ellen Delap – Organizing Your Library
Tracy Hoth – Tracy’s Tip ~ When Organizing Books…Think Outside the Book
Jane Veldhoven – Are Your Books Excess Clutter or Beautiful Possessions?
I’m a book lover myself (you can connect with me on Goodreads if you like) so I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the different ideas for organizing home libraries.
Now you can start thinking about next month’s Professional Organizers Blog Carnival, when our topic will be Organizing Tips for Creative Types. Submissions will be accepted from now until midnight Eastern time on Monday, October 10th.
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels
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