How to Get Media Attention for Your Organizing Business

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Today I am very pleased to welcome as my guest Natalie Conrad, who is one of our Professional Organizers Blog Carnival Star Bloggers. When I found out that Natalie had been featured in the media a number of times, I asked if she’d be willing to share her secrets. Lucky for you, she said “yes!”


Having media exposure for your business is of great benefit.  It gets your name and brand out in front of others and it is usually free. I am not a media personality by any means, but I write this to share my experiences so that you realize you can have media attention for your business as well.

I have been in the media every year now for the past five years. Many times this has happened through no effort of my own. I have gotten calls out of the blue from reporters asking me to contribute to an article. They have usually found me via the web. I have been asked by co-sponsors of community events to become involved and that has resulted in media attention.

But since one cannot wait for the media to call, there are other ways to get in front of the media. Sometimes you just have to ask. Whenever I network with other business professionals, I mention not only what I do, but that I’m looking for connections with local media. Each time I have done this, I have been put in contact with people who can make it happen. I have even had someone I met at a networking function set up a radio interview on my behalf.

If I am hosting my own event that benefits people in the community, I let the media know about it. When I lived in a larger metropolitan area, it was harder to get in front of the media because they are bombarded with so many requests but it still does happen. I now live in a much smaller community and one day I simply picked up the phone, found out who the local business writer was for the local newspaper, and called her. I left a message saying that I had a story she may be interested in.  She called me right back and, when all was said and done, I landed on the front page of the business section. Just from the one phone call!

So here are my tips:

  1. Ask for media contacts
  2. Call the media and offer a story that interests readers and gives your business some attention
  3. Seek out any and all radio/television/print media interviews

There are other ways to attract media attention, but I am sharing what I have done that has worked. One of the biggest ways media attention has helped my business comes from what I do after the article is published or the show is aired. I re-purpose the content.  I post information and links to media appearances on a page on my website. I list my media appearances on my Speakers’ One Sheet. I add a link to my e-mail signature that points to the article and/or video. Meeting planners looking at my website or One Sheet see that I have been in the media, as do potential clients who are perusing my website before picking up the phone to call me. This not only strengthens my brand but adds credibility.

You can use media attention to increase your business credibility as well. All you have to do is ask, call and offer, and seek it out. Don’t give up after the first attempt, as you never know when the phone will ring and they need you!

My next post will feature media success stories from several other professional organizers. Be sure to join our mailing list or add Your Organizing Business to your RSS feed so you don’t miss it!

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

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Natalie Conrad is the owner of Organized Habits, a premier organizing consultancy, serving national and local clients. Her organizing expertise and administrative backgrounds give her a unique perspective on how to create organizing systems specifically designed for her client’s needs.

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