2015 in Review: Professional Organizers Blog Carnival

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Professional Organizers Blog Carnival review 2015

2015 has been an exciting year for me. On the personal side, I’ve gained four family members (two grandsons, a daughter-in-law and a great-nephew) and have managed to spend lots of quality time away from my desk.

It’s been a good year for business too, working with great clients on interesting projects, and building relationships with readers of Your Organizing Business.

One of my favorite ways to stay in touch with my community is through the monthly Professional Organizers Blog Carnival, and this was our biggest year yet.

During the year, Margarita Ibbott and Rashelle Isip each participated in their 25th Blog Carnival, making them our two newest Professional Organizers Blog Carnival Superstar Bloggers. Congratulations, Margarita and Rashelle!

We also have a number of new Professional Organizers Blog Carnival Star Bloggers, who made their 10th Blog Carnival submission in 2015. Please join me in congratulating the following:

Anne Blumer
Helena Alkhas
Lisa Mallis
Melinda Massie
Sabrina Quairoli
Seana Turner
Tina Blazer

If your name is listed above, you’ve been added to the official Professional Organizers Blog Carnival Star Bloggers page, and I encourage you to add the appropriate badge to your blog. Please contact me if you need help with this.

But let’s not forget all the other contributors who helped make this such a great year!

Amanda Lecaude
Amber Kostelny
Amy Jones
Andi Willis
Andrea Brundage
Ann Morrison
Audrey Cupo
Autumn Leopold
Blanka Smetana
Carolyn Caldwell
Cena Block
Cheryl Osterhouse
Chrissy Halton
Christina Hidek
Christine Salberg
Claire LeSage
Clare Kumar
Deanne Kelleher
Deb Lee
Debbie Pendell
Debbie Rosemont
Donna Smallin Kuper
Elizabeth Gross
Ellen Delap
Erica Ryan

Hazel Thornton
Hellen Buttigieg
Hilda Rodgers
Jamie Steele
Janet Baker
Janice Russell
Janine Adams
Jill Robson
John Trosko
Julie Bestry
Julie Stobbe
Karen Sprinkle
Karen Thomas
Kate Martin
Kathy Jenkins
Kathy McEwan
Kathy Vines
Kim Oser
Kimberley Tremblay
Korinne Belock
Lacey Pohlman
Laura Clark Murray
Laura Wittmann
Leslie Josel
Liana George
Linda Clevenger

Linda Samuels
Linda Vanderkolk
Lisa Gessert
Lisa Montanaro
Lisa Woodruff
Mary Johanson
Maureen DeGarmo
Melanie Sobocinski
Nancy Borg
Nancy Haworth
Natalie Gallagher
Nealey Stapleton
Nicole Ramer
Olive Wagar
Penny Catterall
Regina Sanchez
Samantha Pointer-Foxx
Sara Skillen
Sarah Buckwalter
Sarah Soboleski
Shelina Jokhiya
Stacey Agin Murray
Sue Becker
Sue West
Tracy K. Pierce

Last, but not least, I’d like to thank our sponsors for their generous support. Please check them out, if you haven’t already!


Stacey Agin Murray
The Organized Bride’s Thank You Note Handbook

Donna Smallin Kuper
How to Declutter and Make Money Now

Geralin Thomas
From Hoarding to Hope


Hazel Thornton
The Clutter Flow Chart Collection

Leslie Josel
Academic Planner – a Tool for Time Management

Helena Alkhas
Home Management Binder


Sarah Buckwalter
Organizing U
(training for organizers)

Laura Clark Murray
(digitizing media)

Wellrich Organizers
(coaching and mentoring for organizers)

If you missed any of the Blog Carnival posts, you’ll find them right here.

We have some interesting topics lined up for next year, so make sure you get involved!

The next one is Organizing Footwear, sponsored by Boot Butler, and you can make a submission any time from now until midnight EST on Tuesday, January 12th.

Our topic for February will be Organizing for Sports, sponsored by Wellrich Organizers.

Please get in touch if you’d like to suggest a topic or become a sponsor. Let’s make 2016 the best year yet!

I recommend...

A former professional organizer, I now eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, watching movies, and cooking.

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  1. Avatar Seana Turner on December 23, 2015 at 11:56 am

    It’s been a privilege to be a part of the POBC! I always learn from the other bloggers, and enjoy sharing with my clients and followers. Thanks for putting this together, Janet. Looking forward to more great content in 2016!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on December 23, 2015 at 12:49 pm

      It’s my pleasure, Seana! I never would have guessed the Professional Organizers Blog Carnival would become so big when I started it 5 1/2 years ago!

  2. Avatar Nicole on December 23, 2015 at 12:10 pm

    It has been such an honor to be a part of the #POBC, Janet! To be connected with other professional organizers all over the world is such a priviledge! Thank you for welcoming me and my blog into your great circle of friends and professionals. Happy holidays to you and your family!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on December 23, 2015 at 12:51 pm

      Nicole, I’m so glad we’ve connected. Maybe next year you’ll become a Star Blogger!

  3. Avatar Margarita Ibbott ( on December 23, 2015 at 2:11 pm

    How nice to make that list! I love Organized Blogger Carnival. I am going to try really, really hard to ensure I have a post a month. That is my commitment this year!

    Janet, you do a wonderful job of keeping all of us motivated and confident in sharing our content.

    I hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season.

    My best to you and your family,
    Margarita Ibbott

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on December 23, 2015 at 2:15 pm

      I know you can do it, Margarita! In fact, I KNOW you’ve written a post about organizing shoes – why don’t you submit it right now? 🙂

  4. Avatar Autumn Leopold on December 23, 2015 at 2:27 pm

    I love this feature of your business Janet and I hope to be able to regularly contribute to the POBC in 2016! Merry Christmas and thank you!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on December 23, 2015 at 2:34 pm

      I hope so too, Autumn. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  5. Linda Samuels Linda Samuels on December 23, 2015 at 6:45 pm

    Hi Janet- What a great year end summary! Those are some amazing stats…but mostly, what a stellar group of bloggers. I agree with Seana that we have so much to learn from one another. Thank you for the opportunity to participate and for being such a great content curator and community builder. It’s always fun looking to see if there’s a post from the past that fits with your #POBC monthly theme.

    Wishing you all the best of health, happiness and success for the coming year!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on December 24, 2015 at 7:00 am

      Linda, as I said at the beginning of my talk at the POC Conference, you provide an excellent example for other bloggers. I especially like the way your #POBC contributions address the monthly topic without being standard “how to organize” articles. Your posts encourage us to think!

      Thanks for your warm wishes – I wish the exact same for you.

  6. Avatar Rashelle Isip on December 24, 2015 at 11:15 am

    Wow! What a wonderful round-up, Janet! 2015 certainly was a very busy year. Thank you again for hosting and putting together the blog carnivals.

    I have to say, I was quite surprised to see I had reached my 25th blog carnival. How time flies…

    Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season. May 2016 bring you happiness, health, wealth, and light!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on December 24, 2015 at 11:40 am

      I’m more surprised by people who actually keep track of the number of Carnivals they’ve been in! I’m so glad you’re part of it, and look forward to reading many more of your posts in the new year.

  7. Avatar Hilda Rodgers on December 27, 2015 at 11:14 pm

    I’m so proud to be included in this list Janet! I love your blog carnivals and learn so much each month from reading others’ posts. Thanks for hosting this every month! Here’s to more great posts in 2016!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on December 28, 2015 at 6:50 am

      I think we’re in for another good year, and if I’m not mistaken, you blogged recently about next month’s topic, so you’re off to a good start – just don’t forget to submit your post!

  8. Hazel Thornton Hazel Thornton on January 2, 2016 at 1:38 pm

    I love being an — ahem — POBC Superstar Blogger, and display the logo proudly on my website! I also saw your tweet about my sponsorship being one of the top three last year. Yay! Thanks for creating and maintaining POBC for us, Janet!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on January 2, 2016 at 1:43 pm

      Thank YOU, Hazel, for all you do to support it!

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