Write Blog Posts that Get Results

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The Copywriting Scorecard for BloggersI hope last week’s interview with Lynette Chandler of Blog Energizer answered some of the questions you may have had about blogging. Today I’m excited to tell you about a brand new resource that will improve your blogging and drive your readers to buy your product or services, or join your mailing list.

There are many ways to drive traffic to your blog, but if it isn’t well-written, it’s unlikely readers will stick around, and you’ll miss out on the opportunity to gain a new subscriber or a client. According to a new e-book by Darren Rowse and Glenn Murray of Problogger, several things make the difference between a good blog post, a great post, and a not-so-good post. These can be organized as follows:

  • Writing style
  • Scannability
  • Search engine optimization
  • Grammar

The Copywriting Scorecard for Bloggers outlines these factors in detail and provides you with a scorecard for evaluating your blog posts before you publish them.

I suggest printing out the two-page planning questionnaire and the scorecard and inserting them in plastic sheet protectors. By using dry-erase markers to fill them out for each post, you can simply wipe them off and use them again next time, instead of wasting paper and ink to print out multiple copies.

Before writing today’s post, I used the two-page questionnaire to help me organize my thoughts, and after writing my first draft, I used the scorecard to see what improvements I could make.

My original score for this post was 54 (shows promise). After checking it against the scorecard and applying the recommendations, I was able to bring it up to 69 (very good). Furthermore, by following this system, I was able to focus more on my writing and get it done in less time than usual. I can just tell that my blogging will continue to improve as these strategies become second nature to me.

Wouldn’t you like to experience the satisfaction of knowing that your blog is getting read – and bringing you results? For a simple and inexpensive yet valuable tool to improve your blogging, I highly recommend The Copywriting Scorecard for Bloggers.

Once you’ve tried it out, come back and tell us about your results!

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A former professional organizer, I now eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, watching movies, and cooking.

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