Social Media Is Not a Race

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As much as I love to blog, I’m thrilled to take a break today and let Kerry Rego take over. One of the many wonderful people I’ve met through Twitter, Kerry runs her own consulting business, through which she offers social media and technology training as well as home and office organization services. She’s got some great social media tips here for all of us!
I taught a session at the NAPO-SFBA Regional conference in the fall of 2010. I spoke to a fellow organizer about a problem she was having with social media. She had recently started her business and had created a website she really liked. Her problem was she’d signed up for every social media tool she’d ever heard of and then placed the link or widget on her main site. Yet, she didn’t have any content when people clicked through because she was so new.
This is what I told her: Keep all those accounts but remove the widgets and their obvious presence from public view. Then pick just one tool. Facebook, LinkedIn, blogging, YouTube, whatever you want to start with. Hang out there. Learn the culture, the lingo, get a feel for it. Observe what others do and how you respond as a viewer/consumer. When you feel like you have a good grasp of the way it functions and the purpose that it serves, evaluate whether or not it’s the right tool for whom you want to reach. Then do it again with a tool that you think serves an audience, or function, that you aren’t already achieving.
When deciding which channels are right for you and your brand, don’t forget to ask “Who is my audience? Who is my client?” Age, sex, profession, income level, secondary interests, geography, climate. There are many ways you can market your services based on these few categories. Each platform is different in demographics and usage. Learn about them before signing up to use them. If you pick a tool just because YOU like it, it might not be the right one to help you achieve your goals.
After awhile you’ve added a few new social media channels to your arsenal. You’ve been writing on your blog, you’ve set up (and are using!) your Facebook page, and have a YouTube channel with some videos uploaded. As you work and learn each avenue, you are adding content over time. Social media is about your brand and message, expressing your professional opinion, building trusting relationships through communication, and is the new source for customer service. I always say it’s like getting a six pack. You can’t expect to have ripped abs in a week or six weeks of going to the gym. In six months you should be nicely toned. This is not a sprint to the finish line. Master walking before you start running.
I’d like to thank Kerry for taking the time to share these tips with us.
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Thanks, Janet, for posting my blog! I love crossing the two fields of organization and technology.
That’s one of the best parts of running your own business – you don’t have to fit yourself into a pre-written job description. Instead, you can choose the things you most enjoy doing, and find a way to make them work together!