Starting a Consulting Vlog: What You Need to Know

starting a consulting vlog
Kayla Matthews

Kayla Matthews

Kayla Matthews is the owner and editor of the self-improvement and efficiency blog, Her work has appeared on, Fast Company, Tiny Buddha and FinerMinds. To read more posts from Kayla, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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With physical distancing still in place, I know that many of you are exploring new ways to promote your business and your expertise. With that in mind, I’m pleased to welcome back Kayla Matthews with some insight into video blogging – also known as vlogging.


Vlogs are all the rage these days and everyone is making them — from 15-year-old girls to major corporations. What exactly is a vlog? In short, a vlog is a video blog. People create these because they rank highly on social media algorithms and gain the attention of nearly every person on the internet. The best ones are interesting, engaging and attract and retain your target audience, eventually turning them into loyal customers.

Convinced you should start your own vlog? Here’s what you need to know before taking the plunge.

Invest in Quality Production

Many vloggers shoot video using only a smartphone. However, phone cameras and audio recorders won’t offer high-quality picture and sound — two things you must have if you’re serious about professional vlogging. Therefore, it’s best to invest in a quality camera, microphone and tripod. Doing so will also put you a step above the competition.

Additionally, you must prepare a place to shoot your vlogs. Find a place with proper lighting, good acoustics and few distractions. Of course, finding a perfect location in your office or home can be incredibly difficult, if not impossible. In this case, it may be best to invest in a professional sound stage. Such a stage would feature green screens, control rooms, lighting grids and more to ensure your vlog is professional and high-quality.

Make Vlogs Engaging

Once you find a place to shoot, decide which kinds of topics you want to address or information you want to relay to your audience. To do this, you must first consider your target audience. Who are they and what questions might they have about your business, services and products? Whatever the topic, make sure you present it in an educational, interesting and entertaining way. This kind of presentation will naturally encourage your audience to engage with your vlog.

Furthermore, you might form your vlog around a question or problem. Then, be sure to answer the question or address the issue with a thought-provoking story. Give your audience the answers and information they want and need. Leave no stone unturned. Then, tell them what to do next. Maybe suggest they watch an additional video to learn more, buy one of your products or services for more help or leave a comment so you might respond.

Promote Your Vlog

Even if you have the best vlog in the world, your audience will never see it if you don’t promote it well. Uploading the video to YouTube is a good place to start, but don’t stop there. Post the vlog on your business website, your blog and all social media pages. Instagram TV is a prime location for your blog since the platform now allows videos up to 10 minutes long. Plus, you can keep these on your feed indefinitely.

Posting vlogs across all platforms is a great way to ensure you cover all your bases and reach the majority of your target audience. Plus, doing so may allow you to reach new consumers that might not have heard of your brand before.

Be a Reliable Source

Moreover, you want your audience to help promote your vlogs through shares and likes. However, the only way they’ll come to do so is by trusting your advice or information as reliable and trustworthy. One of the best ways to present yourself as such is to share honest reviews and positive feedback from clients, customers and viewers. Upload customer testimonials and respond to comments.

Another major way to win the trust and support of viewers is to present yourself as an expert on whatever topic you’re addressing. Be a thought leader and showcase your expertise through demonstrations. Bring up credible data points and earn their trust. Just be sure to leave them wanting more so they have no choice by to purchase the service or product to fully experience it for themselves.

Consistency and Patience

When it comes to vlogging, consistency and patience are the keys to success. Much like with blogging, you must commit to the process of creating and uploading content on a regular basis in order to see results.

Of course, creating content can be time-consuming and it may take a few weeks — or even months — for your hard work to pay off. So, be patient and, in the meantime, keep vlogging!

Vlogging to promote your business

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  1. Avatar Seana Turner on May 27, 2020 at 11:48 am

    Great post! This is a whole new line of exposure that I haven’t truly explored. I’ve done a few Youtube videos, but haven’t been consistent the way I have been with my blog. Loving watching some other organizers who are making this work, like Sarah Soboleski of Classically Organized! Something to think about for sure!

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on May 27, 2020 at 12:30 pm

      I totally admire anyone who does this. I love writing and I don’t even mind speaking, but the thought of making videos, especially on an ongoing basis, just doesn’t turn my crank.

  2. Avatar Janet Schiesl on May 27, 2020 at 1:42 pm

    As I was reading I was thinking “what’s the difference between a Vlog and posting your videos on YouTube? “ Thanks for answering the question for me and for mentioning Instagram TV. I need to start using that for my videos.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on May 28, 2020 at 12:58 pm

      You are well on your way since you now include a video on all your blog posts!

  3. Avatar Julie Stobbe on June 8, 2020 at 6:15 am

    Thanks for talking about vblog. I need to keep being pushed to do video of any kind.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on June 8, 2020 at 12:53 pm

      Hey Julie, when it comes to video, you’re miles ahead of me!

  4. Linda Samuels Linda Samuels on June 8, 2020 at 9:28 am

    Like you, Janet, I love writing. However, I also enjoy doing podcasts and interviews. They aren’t the same as vlogging, but it’s another medium that is viable and fun for me. At this point, vlogging is not something I’m considering, but as I’ve learned- never say never. If I ever decide to venture forth into vlogging, this post will be a great resource to return to. Thank you for opening my eyes to a future possibility.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on June 8, 2020 at 12:54 pm

      Yes, there are so many possibilities that there’s no practical way to try them all! Happy to give you something to think about.

  5. Avatar LISA GESSERT on June 8, 2020 at 9:46 am

    Hummm has been a thought in the back of my head especially during this time…thank you for some great information!

  6. Avatar Sabrina Quairoli on June 8, 2020 at 12:15 pm

    Great post! Great tips for newbies.

    I have a YouTube channel and have shared several videos there since 2014. I also share them on because it is easier to share on Facebook. Recently, I found that creating and sharing on TikTok is nice too. After I download the TikTok video, I then upload it to YouTube and Vimeo.

    A few years ago, I found when adding the video to my blog, it would slow down the page, so I stopped doing that. I may try it again to see if it still happens now that I am on a different server.

    Planning your video out before doing it takes the most time. So, writing out a rough script that describes the important points to discuss helps me stay focused and not ramble on.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on June 8, 2020 at 12:55 pm

      I’ve only done a couple of videos, but I can’t imagine doing it without a script! I would definitely be all over the map.

  7. Lucy Kelly Lucy Kelly on June 8, 2020 at 5:27 pm

    This was the push I needed to reconsider my decision not to vlog. Still not sure it’s for me, but it’s feeling more possible now.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on June 9, 2020 at 12:58 pm

      That’s amazing – always good to keep an open mind!

  8. Avatar Ronni on June 8, 2020 at 7:15 pm

    This is incredible and so new to me. I’d love to learn about it, learn more. Except,
    I don’t think I can take on one more thing. I’m on promotion overload. But you did plant a very cool seed.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on June 9, 2020 at 12:59 pm

      I know exactly what you mean! One of these days I need to sit down and evaluate all the things I currently do and make sure they are still worthwhile. Maybe that way I’d find time to try something new and different!

  9. Avatar Janet Schiesl on June 8, 2020 at 8:07 pm

    I subscribe to several vlogs on youtube. I learn better on that format then just reading a blog post. Good ideas about how to promote a vlog.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on June 9, 2020 at 1:01 pm

      I’m not a big fan of watching videos, except for certain things like understanding how to twist the yarn the right way when knitting (for example). I wonder if that’s why I’m reluctant to make videos myself…

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