A 2015 NAPO Conference Scrapbook

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If you attended the NAPO Conference last month, I hope my recent recap series has brought back some great memories. If you didn’t, I hope I’ve given you a small taste of what you missed, and maybe given you a little incentive to go to next year’s NAPO Conference in Atlanta or the POC Conference in Toronto this fall.
I don’t know about you, but this series really left me thirsting for more news and pictures about the exciting new organizing products and other information presented at the conference! I therefore did a bit of detective work, and found that several of our Professional Organizers Blog Carnival Star Bloggers, including Julie Bestry, Linda Samuels, Leslie Josel and Andi Willis, had covered it in their blogs and newsletters. I discovered many others as well, including a few that aren’t even in English.
I’ve compiled my findings here for you to enjoy. You can even like, comment and share them right from this page!
Did I miss your post, or one of your colleague’s? Simply click on the Add to List icon at the top of the list to add it to the collection.
Photo of the Westin Bonaventure courtesy of Susan Lannis
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Hi Janet-
What a fun post! Thank you for the great recap of NAPO 2015 happenings. I appreciate you including a link to the post I wrote about my experience there. What a great conference! I remember the thrill last year when you and I got to meet face to face for the first time. That’s one of the most wonderful parts of going to conferences: meeting the special people in person. Virtual is a good second, but it’s not the same.
The main thing that distinguishes traditional conferences from virtual ones is the networking. You can learn just as much sitting in front of your computer, but you don’t get that personal connection, and you sure don’t get hugs. I hope we’ll meet at another one in the future, Linda!
You said it, Janet! You definitely don’t get the “personal connection” or the hugs. I look forward to seeing you again soon. I’ll be attending POC in Toronto this year, so maybe we’ll cross paths then. Fingers crossed.
What a great line up of posts and some great bloggers!! I have read a number of them and its almost like being there but not really. I would have loved to hear the Minimalists and the other workshops and networking looked amazing too. I am hoping to attend the POC Conference in Toronto and to meet some of you in person 🙂
I should do a similar roundup after the POC Conference!
Very cool roundup! I haven’t read them all yet, but now I know where to find them. Thanks Janet!
You are making me a big fan of Listly as well!
I’m thinking it could make a great bookmarking tool. Set up a list for each topic you’re interested in and add links as you see them. Use the “I’ve read this” button so you can easily find those you haven’t read yet, and “like” or “dislike” those you have read so you’ll know which ones may be worth going back to. I tend to use Pinterest for bookmarking but keeping track of which ones look interesting versus those you’ve read and loved can be tricky, unless you’re super disciplined and update the descriptions every time.