Best of 2022 – Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival
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Since 2019, I’ve invited my readers to submit their best blog post of the past year to the December edition of the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival.
I love this feature because not only can anyone participate, regardless of their audience or area of expertise, it gives me a chance to see what’s near and dear to my readers’ hearts! It’s also an interesting way to see what topics have been hot recently, and a great opportunity for you to catch up on posts that you missed or would like to review again.
As you read my readers’ best posts of 2022, you’re sure to pick up some valuable tips and perhaps even some inspiration for your own blog!
Please connect with the bloggers on social media, leave comments, and share your favorite posts with your own network. Please use the hashtags #POBC and #Bestof2022 in your social media posts.
Best of 2022
It's a question people are asking a lot online. I've been adding to this post for a few years to help others learn where to get rid of jewelry (costume and gold types). Plus, it is the highest ranking on Google for Sabrina's Organizing. =)
I choose this one because I liked writing it the most. My best idea this year.
This got a lot of attention. I think it shows that we are all struggling with focus in this season of uncertainty.
It's got history, it's got personal stories, and of course--organizing tips!
I don't know if it's my best post...but it's certainly my favorite. I think the ones where I can write from a place of my authentic self are fun, and always come out a little better.
I feel this is the most important topic I've covered this year and I've gotten the most response offline about it.
I think this post reflects the somewhat counter-cultural ideal of what an organized space looks like. Contrary to so many of the images in the media on organization that feature picture-perfect, rainbow-coordinated, matchy-matchy bins & labels spaces, I wanted to discuss what being organized looks like in real life with real people living in real spaces!
This blog was the top blog for 2022 with the most readers and interaction! According to wordpress!
I liked how I connected different ideas/trends together around embracing change.
My linen closet organization post was my best post this year because cleaning out my own linen closet was a project that I finally took off the back burner.
And ... I actually remembered to document the refresh as I went through each step.
I am so happy with the results and I hope that the post gives others some ideas for organizing their own spaces.
2022 was filled with major life events for me. The major-ist of the majors was when my youngest earned his license to drive. This post documents the emotions of the day. It also includes the most poignant photo of my son, the dog, and a message on a mirror.
I do a free zoom seminar each quarter. This post is a write-up of my most popular seminar. I think this subject resonates with most people.
Not only did it celebrate a key business anniversary, but it gave me an opportunity to reflect on what I've learned that would be valuable to others.
According to my blog site and google analytics it was the most searched topic this year
We love this post because it really resonated with so many people! In a culture that "awards" busyness, we tend to feel guilt and shame if we aren't staying busy. Down time is important though so protect it. Make it intentional and guilt-free. You'll be better off for it!
I intended to choose a post that, in addition to providing useful information, plugged both my recent and forthcoming books. But I re-read this post and listened to the "Odds Are" song again and my spirits were lifted again. I hope it lifts someone else's spirits too. I am equally gratified to bring my readers hope as I am to provide services and sell books.
While each of my posts is my "baby," I feel like this 5-part series on toxic productivity is what we all need at this point, three years into a pandemic and almost a quarter of the way into the 21st century, where we often feel that our self-worth is tied to what we "produce" for consumption. This post (which narrowly beat out its series-sisters) has actionable advice for using productivity skills people already know (and probably sometimes embrace) to reverse much of the toxicity we experience. It's also very colorful! 😉
Thanks to everyone who shared their Best of 2022! Be sure to come back next week to find out who has attained the rank of Star Blogger, Superstar Blogger, or Megastar Blogger during the past year.
It’s not too early to start thinking about 2023! Please let me know what topics you’d like to read or write about or if you know of a potential sponsor (maybe even yourself!).
In the meantime, go ahead and submit a post to January’s Blog Carnival, when the topic will be Apps to Help You Reach Your Goals, sponsored by Geralin Thomas, Career Coach for Professional Organizers.
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