Money Management – Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival

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Money Management Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival, with a picture of a Daily Spendng Tracker from Mindflows for ADHD

It’s something we all want and need, but whether you have a little or a lot, the way you handle your money can have a huge impact on the quality of your life or the success of your business. For this reason, I invited my readers to share their blog posts about Money Management.

The sponsor for this month is Susanna Miles of MindFlows. An entrepreneur with ADHD, Susanna developed her Daily Spending Tracker and other planners to provide a simple, visual system that makes it easy to see her plans and goals, and has made them available for others who struggle with ADHD.

As always, there’s a lot of diversity in the contributions, so you’re sure to find something of value to your clients or yourself.

Big thanks to everyone who contributed to this edition of the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival, especially our sponsor, Susanna Miles. Please show them your appreciation by leaving comments and sharing their posts (or this one).

I’m now accepting contributions to next month’s Blog Carnival, when the topic will be Education and Organizing. You have until 12 midnight EST on Wednesday, April 17th to submit your post.

Promote your product or service to professional organizers, productivity consultants by sponsoring an upcoming edition of the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival. Choose from any of the available topics listed on this page, or suggest your own!


Topics for 2024

Forming New Habits
Submission dates: December 21 to January 17
Sponsor: Geralin Thomas, Career Coach to Professional Organizers

Creative Storage Solutions
Submission dates: January 18 to February 14
Sponsor: Sabrina’s Organizing & Admin Services

Money Management
Submission dates: February 15 to March 20
Sponsor: Mindflows for ADHD

Education and Organizing
Submission dates: March 21 to April 17

Filing Systems
Submission dates: April 18 to May 15
Sponsor: Sabrina’s Organizing & Admin Services

Submission dates: May 16 to June 19
Sponsor: Peggy Wonder, Space For You

Writing and Organizing
Submission dates: June 20 to July 17

Meal Planning
Submission dates: July 18 to August 14
Sponsorship available

Organizing Meetings
Submission dates: August 15 to September 18
Sponsorship available

Organizing for Seasonal Changes
Submission dates: September 19 to October 16
Sponsorship available

Best Organizing & Productivity Books
Submission dates: October 17 to November 20
Sponsorship available

Best of 2024
Submission dates: November 21 to December 25
Sponsorship available

Become a Star

Contribute to 10 or more Blog Carnivals and get recognized as a POBC Star Blogger!

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A former professional organizer, I now eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, watching movies, and cooking.

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  1. Julie Bestry Julie Bestry on March 21, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    What a great collection of posts, and I can’t wait to dig in! Thanks for including me!

    Does Susanna have any social media accounts except Insta? I don’t use Insta, but I’d love to tag her on Twitter/LinkedIn/Facebook if she’s got any of those.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on March 22, 2024 at 11:43 am

      It’s always my pleasure, Julie! I’m pretty sure she has accounts on other platforms, but she’s not active there and would prefer not to be tagged. It’s so nice of you to ask!

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