Shooting for the Stars: The NAPO Authorship SIG Bookstore

Hazel Thornton

Hazel Thornton

Hazel Thornton, creator of The Clutter Flow Chart Collection, is a virtual organizer and family historian based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She combines her genealogy research and organizing skills to help clients tell the stories of their families and their most treasured belongings. Her forthcoming book is called What's a Photo Without the Story? A Guide to Leaving Your Family Legacy. Visit her online at

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Ramona Creel, Hazel Thornton and Donna Smallin Kuper at NAPO 2015

Are you enjoying the NAPO2015 recap so far? I know I am! The fun continues today with a great post by Hazel Thornton about a very special booth at the Organizing Expo. I caught wind of it through some discussions on Facebook when it was in the planning stages, and it sounds like it was a great success!


The NAPO2015 Conference was held at the iconic Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. The Hollywood inspired theme was “Shoot for the Stars”. One of the highlights for me was participating in the NAPO Author SIG Bookstore. This Expo booth was conceived, coordinated, and “womanned” by Donna Smallin Kuper and Ramona Creel. All participants were members of the NAPO Authorship & Publishing SIG (Special Interest Group), led by Deborah Cabral and Debbie Lillard.

The bookstore offered some of the industry’s best-loved books, plus many newly-released titles, as well as DVDs and other informational products. Here is a sampling…OK, a complete list…of the booth’s offerings:

Home/Life Organizing Books

A Mom’s Guide to Home Organization by Debbie Lillard

DeClutter Your Life NOW! A Motivational Guide to Tackle All Aspects of Clutter in Your Life by Deborah Cabral

Make Room for Clarity by Rick Woods

How to Declutter and Make Money Now (2nd Ed, 2015) by Donna Smallin Kuper

50 Shades of Organizing…Your Life by Susan Unger and Lauri Mennel

Organize This! Practical Tips, Green Ideas, and Ruminations about your CRAP by Vali Heist

Now What? A Simple Organizing Guide by Diane Quintana

Organizing Paper at Home: What to Toss and How to Find the Rest by Barbara Hemphill

The A-To-Z of Getting Organized: A Grown-Up Picture Book for the Chaotic and Cluttered by Ramona Creel

Lifestyle Organizing

Don’t Toss My Memories in the Trash – A Step-by-Step Guide to Helping Seniors Downsize, Organize and Move by Vickie Dellaquila

The Organized Bride’s Thank You Note Handbook: Let Systems and 101 Modern Sample Thank You Notes Take You from Overwhelmed to Organized by Stacey Agin Murray

Business Organizing Books

57 Secrets for Organizing Your Small Business by Julie Bestry

Don’t Agonize: Organize Your Office Now by Diane Hatcher

Professional Organizing Business

Before the Big O: Professional Organizers Talk about Life before Organizing by Regina Lark

Custom-Branded Clutter Flow Charts by Hazel Thornton

The Professional Organizer’s Bible: A Slightly Irreverent and Completely Unorthodox Guide for Turning Clutter into a Career by Ramona Creel

Student Organizing

What’s the Deal with Teens and Time Management by Leslie Josel

The Academic Planner: A Tool for Time Management by Leslie Josel


Psychic Debris, Crowded Closets: The Relationship Between the Stuff in Your Head and What’s Under Your Bed (2nd Ed., 2014) by Regina Lark

Chronic Disorganization

ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life by Judith Kolberg

Getting Organized in the Era of Endless by Judith Kolberg

Get Rid of Your Stuff Flash Cards by Judith Kolberg

From Hoarding to Hope by Geralin Thomas

Fresh Start: Overcoming Chronic Disorganization Group Manual by Karen Kruzan and Barbara Jo Dennison

Rise Above Your Stuff by Karen Kruzan and Barbara Jo Dennison


Less Clutter, More Life by Barbara Hemphill

Clear the Clutter, Find Happiness by Donna Smallin Kuper

For the Gifts We All Come Bearing by Jane Campbell

Time Management

The Streamlined Time Solution by Miriam Ortiz y Pino

I’ll admit I worried a little that the booth would be ignored in its location in the very far back corner of the Expo Hall. HA! It turned out to be a jumping joint! Each author got a 30-minute time slot for a book signing or a meet-and-greet, and a successful, good time was had by all. It was a wonderful opportunity for those of us who would never have the funds or stamina to run an individual booth of our own. Together we are better.

Thank you, Donna and Ramona, for shooting for the stars!

Here’s to doing it again next year!

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  1. Jill Robson on May 7, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    Wow Hazel, that is quite the line up. I have to get my hands on these books. It looked like you all had a blast, I can’t wait for my first conference with the POC this fall.

    • Hazel Thornton Hazel Thornton on May 7, 2015 at 4:45 pm

      Jill, if POC conferences are anything like PONM conferences you will have fun and learn lots!

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