POBC Recap for 2023 and an Exciting Announcement
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I recently gave a shout-out to the folks who’ve written guest posts and participated in organizer interviews this year (check out 2023 Highlights on Your Organizing Business if you missed it), but a year-end celebration at Your Organizing Business wouldn’t be complete without acknowledging all who contributed to the Productivity and Organizing Blog Carnival!
First off, I’d like to thank those who sponsored the Blog Carnival during the past year.
Geralin Thomas sponsored the following editions:
The other sponsors were:
- Hazel Thornton – Decluttering Resources
- Sabrina Quairoli – Weekend Organizing Projects
- Kathy Vines – Organizing for Career Success
- My Professional Organizer Dallas – Stress-Free Holidays
Do you offer a product or service that would interest professional organizers, productivity consultants, or their clients? Maximize your exposure by sponsoring an upcoming edition of the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival.
When I introduced this feature in 2009, I had no idea it would catch on or that it would still be going strong all these years later!
Since the first Professional Organizers Blog Carnival, as it was then called), 314 bloggers have contributed a total of 2850 posts. This year, I received 162 contributions from 44 participants.
Star Bloggers
By 2010, there were already many regular participants, and I awarded a Star Blogger badge to anyone who submitted a post to ten or more Carnivals.
I am happy to announce that Kathy Vines has achieved Star Blogger during 2023 and has been added to the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival Star Bloggers page.
You can become a Star in 2024, simply by contributing to the Blog Carnival!
Superstar Bloggers
As people continued participating, I introduced the Superstar Blogger badge in 2012 for those who have contributed to 25 or more editions.
This year, Geralin Thomas and Hellen Buttigieg became Superstar Bloggers.
Megastar Bloggers
By 2017, I was so impressed with the commitment of a few readers that I decided to award a Megastar Blogger badge to those who contributed to 50 or more editions.
No one reached this level in 2023, but there are five people who could get there next year by continuing to participate regularly.
Ultimate Star Blogger
I intended Megastar to be the top level, but when I tallied last year’s numbers I knew that someone would probably make their 100th contribution this year. But what’s bigger and better than a megastar?
It took me all year to figure out (of course, I did think about a few other things during that time) but I went with my husband’s suggestion, Ultimate Star Blogger. This will definitely be the highest level!
If you’re a regular reader, you can probably guess who the first Ultimate Star Blogger is. I’ll give you a minute to think about it while you admire the new badge.
It’s Linda Samuels!
Congratulations, Linda! Don’t stop climbing just because you’ve reached the top of the mountain – we love to read your posts.
To commemorate this amazing achievement, not only does Linda get a nifty new badge; I will be doing a special feature on her here on Your Organizing Business in 2024. If you’re not already a subscriber, sign up now so you don’t miss out!
First Timers
I love my regulars, but everyone has to start some time, so I’m equally thrilled to see new names pop up in my inbox. This year I welcome the following bloggers who contributed to their first Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival in 2023.
- Brad Whitehorn
- Fiona McLauchlan Staff
- Juliet Landau-Pope
- Margo Ovsiienko
- Pam Holland
- That Hoarder
- Tim Worman
Get Involved in 2024
Contribute to one or more editions and reap the following rewards:
- Connect with a community of supportive colleagues
- Increase blog traffic, interactions, and reach
- Boost social media engagement
To learn more, read The Wonderful Benefits of Participating in Blog Carnivals by Linda Samuels, our first Ultimate Star Blogger.
When you’re ready, go ahead and submit a post to January’s Blog Carnival, when the topic will be Forming New Habits, sponsored by Geralin Thomas, Career Coach for Professional Organizers.
Top Blog Carnival of 2023
The most popular edition this year, and one of my personal favorites, was The Stop Doing List. Which one was yours?
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CONGRATULATIONS to Linda, and to all the star bloggers – new and old!
What a fun and positive post, and what a fantastic year! Thanks for inviting us to share our posts on your blog in this special way.
Here’s to another year of content ahead.
I’ve got a lot of new theme ideas for next year and hope it will be another excellent year!
Thank you, Seana! What a great community to be part of.
Thank you so much, Janet, for this honor of being the first “Ultimate Star Blogger.” But more than that, I appreciate your dedication and support to this generous blogging community and all the resources you share. It’s a joy to be able to share and learn from one another.
Congratulations on your growth and ongoing commitment to this blogging community! I am grateful for and to you.
I’m excited to see all the great content and posts 2024 will bring.
I wish you a happy, healthy, and joy-filled New Year!
It was never my intention to introduce a fourth level, but when I saw you’d reached 100 contributions, I couldn’t let it go unrecognized!
I imagine you’ll be joined by a couple more bloggers next year. 🙂
Cheers to you and this captivating community of content creators.
Heartfelt gratitude for sharing your platform with us, Janet.
I’m looking forward to the array of awesome articles you’ll assemble in 2024!
Wow, I love all the alliteration! I am grateful for your support and am also looking forward to the year ahead.
Janet, I don’t think people realize how affordable these sponsorships are! Do you already have all of the 2024 topics laid out, so people can pick and choose what they’d like to sponsor? Thank you to all of the 2023 sponsors!
Mazel tov to Linda, who outdid herself and surpassed the rest of us. Janet, do you still have a link to who is in each category. (I think I’m a Megastar, but if so, I probably have several years of monthly carnivals to go until I hit Ultimate!) And hurray for all the bloggers, especially the first timers!
Janet’s going to have to get velveteen jackets for people, like the Five-Timers Club on Saturday Night Live for people who’ve hosted multiple times! Obviously Linda’s has to be purple, just like the ones on SNL!
Doh, never mind. I found the sidebar with the link to all of us in each category. I have GOT to learn to look at sidebars!
I have chosen 12 topics for the year, but they won’t be carved in stone until it’s time to post the announcement, in case a potential sponsor has a specific idea in mind that’s not on my list.
I see you found the link to the Star Bloggers page. I have trouble finding it myself sometimes, but it seems like overkill to put it in the main menu.
The soonest you can qualify for Ultimate is 2026.
I love your velveteen jacket idea, but I would need to increase the sponsorship fee exponentially to cover it!
Congrats to all the star bloggers, what a wonderful and positive post, thank you for all that you do.