Organizing Tips for Busy Moms – Professional Organizers Blog Carnival

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This month’s Blog Carnival is a belated Mothers Day gift for all the busy moms out there. Come to think of it, is there such a thing as a mom who isn’t busy? I hope you’ll take a few minutes to visit and comment on the posts submitted by my readers. It’s a great way to network with your organizing colleagues while picking up ideas to benefit your clients or yourself!
Angela Esnouf starts us off with 7 ways to get organized in just one minute in her post, Got a Minute?
In Help for moms to clear their mental clutter, Barbara Tako tells us that:
Clutter isn’t always physical. Sometimes, as busy moms who lead hectic and stressful lives, we struggle with mental clutter–items we need to do, schedules we are holding in our heads, stuff we need to add to a shopping list. The mental clutter goes on and on…Try these tips to clear the mental clutter.
If mealtimes are a challenge, check out Audrey Cupo’s Meal Planning For Busy Moms.
Ellen Delap helps you prepare for summertime fun with her Six Steps to Summer Success.
There are some really innovative products out there to help busy mothers get organized, and Krista Colvin tells us about one of her favorites, The All-in-one Schoolfolio, while Janet Baker describes The Smartest Filing System For Busy Moms. Janet says:
Happy Mother’s Day! It’s time to give mom a helping hand! Using smart filing system software, she can create one simple way to organize everything that needs filing and storing, no matter where it is in the house, the garage, the shed, or in storage.
Ramona Creel describes a common challenge as follows:
I have a client who is trying to simplify her life, and she would be succeeding at it beautifully, if it weren’t for her family! Sometimes, it can seem like your housemates are hell-bent on making your life more complicated — bringing in tons of unnecessary clutter, expecting you to pick up after them, and creating chaos in your schedule. For a simplicity strategy to really work, the whole team has to be on board…
Read Ramona’s solution to this problem in Getting Your Housemates On Board The Simplification Train.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this month’s Professional Organizers Blog Carnival!
You are welcome to submit your post on Organizing for Special Events any time up until noon on Wednesday, June 9. Be sure to come back and read the June Blog Carnival, because I have a special surprise in store for you!
July’s theme will be Book Reviews – we’d all love to know what organizing or business book(s) you recommend! Submission for July’s Carnival will not be accepted until after June 10th, so if you haven’t yet written a review, you’ve got plenty of time to do so! Need some ideas? Visit Recommended Reading for Professional Organizers!
If you’ve got an idea for a future Professional Organizers Blog Carnival, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
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I love that you have a different topic each month. I keep the same umbrella theme, but allow a hodge-podge of posts to be collected and posted. Do you search for posts on-line to feature or do you collect through blogcarnivaldotcom?
Professional organizers are invited to submit to the blog carnival right here on my blog. I decided against using because I was concerned about getting a lot of off-topic posts from people using autosubmitting software, and I introduced the monthly theme a few months ago when the number of submissions started to grow to the point where it was a lot of work to manage and the list of posts was getting too long for people to read them all.
I’m glad you’re enjoying it, and hope you’ll stop by again next month (or sooner)!