Downsizing for Seniors – Professional Organizers Blog Carnival

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older couple packing for a move

The National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM) has declared this to be National Senior Move Managers Week. Since many professional organizers provide assistance of this nature, I’ve asked my readers to share their expertise in this issue of the 2013 Professional Organizers Blog Carnival.

We have a new participant this month, and I’m really excited to welcome her to the Blog Carnival. As a long-time member of Professional Organizers in Canada (POC), I’ve known her for many years and not only have I had the privilege of working alongside her on an organizing projects, I’m now honoured to be her website manager! So without further ado, let me introduce Julie Stobbe and her post 5 W’s of Downsizing

And joining us once again:

Linda VanderkolkHelping Older Adults & Seniors Downsize

Rashelle IsipTime Management Tip: How to Prevent Overbooking Your Schedule When You’re Retired

Jonda BeattieRightsizing Your Home

Marlene Devine3 Tips for Downsizing Your Space

Margarita IbbottHave you asked the right questions of your Elderly parents?

A big thanks to everyone for sharing your posts on this very important topic!

If this is a subject you’d like to learn more about, there are a number of training opportunities for you to explore:

You do not need to join the organization to take advantage of the courses listed here, but members are eligible for discounts, among many other benefits.

We’re now accepting submissions for the next edition of the Professional Organizers Blog Carnival, which will be all about Garage and Yard Sales. Please be sure to submit your post before 10 AM EDT on Monday, June 10, as the Carnival will be published on Tuesday, June 11.

Photo ©iofoto / iStockPhoto

Updated May 27, 2020

Topics for 2024

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A former professional organizer, I now eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, watching movies, and cooking.

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  1. Ron Whitaker Ron Whitaker on May 14, 2013 at 6:54 pm

    This looks like a fantastic seminar. I didn’t notice where it is being held.

    Also, is it required that an attendant be a professional organizer?

    I can see how this can help boomers who are downsizing, as well as many baby boomers who are helping aging parents who are in transition.

    • Avatar Janet Barclay on May 15, 2013 at 6:59 am

      I was mistaken: the NAPO teleclass is only open to NAPO members. You don’t have to be a POC member to register for the POC teleclass, but I am not sure that it would be suitable for members of the general public.

      Some members of POC, NAPO, and of course NASMM offer seminars, and I’d suggest that those who are downsizing or helping their parents to do so look for something like that. There are also some helpful books available, such as Don’t Toss My Memories in the Trash-A Step-by-Step Guide to Helping Seniors Downsize, Organize, and Move by Vickie Dellaquila.

  2. Avatar Samantha on May 21, 2013 at 8:26 pm

    Great roster as usual. There is so much information out there about downsizing seniors.

  3. Avatar Robin Green on June 23, 2019 at 6:00 pm

    Great article! Life events like downsizing and loss weigh heavily on seniors and their families. There are often more questions than answers: What do I do with all of my stuff? What do I do with my parents’ stuff? How will I have the energy and strength to get it done? Where do I even start?
    Professional organizers are the best way to go

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